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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Stampeder

  1. Kenny Powers is coming back fucking soon.
  2. Sounds like every woman I've ever dated.
  3. Flattering Picture on NHL.com today.
  4. Work Golf Tourney tomorrow. Midnight drunk by noon.
  5. On friday two of my good buddies passed away in a car crash, tuesday someone backed into my car and drove away, got pulled over immediately after pulling out of a hotel where my friends sister and I were picking out songs for his funeral last night, woke up with a huge cold sore today and have to start writing my speech for one of the funerals. What a week.
  6. David is on www.tsn.ca 's home page right now.
  7. Dirty, Filthy, Duster, Plug, Bender, Sick Flow, Dirty Flop, jesus christ when did hockey players become the equivalent of "wiggers."
  8. That's pretty ghetto and pointless.
  9. I think I had my eye on both of those on ebay, you're a lucky man.
  10. Pretty jealous of those warriors, beer league team just got Coyotes jerseys
  11. Yes I am not a fan of those at all. Looks Canadian Tireish
  12. Two new hex-1 pro stock shafts and an SL.
  13. If you would do some research and check out the 2008 catalogue you would find your answer. It's no.
  14. Well if you decide you hate them after the first ice time (impossible I know haha) let me know. Those are classy.
  15. TBL those are probably the nicest gloves I have ever seen.
  16. Thats what I figured, looks like its ice riding days are done. How did you like the stick? Never seen one around before.
  17. Whats up with that muskoka blade?
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