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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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avery16 last won the day on September 2 2013

avery16 had the most liked content!

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  1. I see some sticks I like on eBay. but they have a spray-painted bottom. Is there a safe way to remove the paint?
  2. i should add.. they said with cad pricing you have to add tax and shipping fees.. works out to a few bucks less then in usd with no tax or shipping.
  3. i was told cad for canadian addresses.. usd for us addresses.
  4. stryker where did you get those all black 4 rolls??
  5. what i dont understand about the warrior custom gloves is there are expensive as hell, but you cant get mesh gussets or a different cuff? so the only thing you get to customize is the color?
  6. neither, i think both would find red laces offensive
  7. will he play though? what if andy murray scratches him?
  8. Min 6. We do a few HS teams in them around here. so if i go to my local hockey shop, they would be able to order me 6 pairs of easton pro stock gloves in all black?
  9. those are sick, where did you get that stick?!
  10. wow that is one sick looking stick!
  11. i wonder how the trade deadline was for david, they said almost all players getting a little nervous headed towards the deadline.. i wonder how it was for david..
  12. this is disappointing to hear..
  13. i agree, thats why i like the one95s so much..
  14. new 9ks look awesome..
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