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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Balmer15

  1. the goaie?haha but seriously, nice shorts, or is that a girdle?and, are you wearing shins?lol Not a girdle....Pro CCM's from the Bulldogs. And,m yes...wearing shins (RBK 3k's)...but when you start with skinny chicken legs...it hardly matters what you put on them...they're gonna look skinny *L*. lol, that is true.
  2. the goaie?haha but seriously, nice shorts, or is that a girdle?and, are you wearing shins?lol
  3. some pictures from a 3on3 tournament at the end of the month. penalty shot shooting on a penalty shot kinda fell over
  4. for me it was a trade up...i couldn't stand the cnt lol used the XX earlier and loved it
  5. thanks, i traded an easton stealth cnt for it...which i've always hated:P
  6. Picked the XX up last night curve I'm quite proud of this one...signed by Theo Fleury, but the signature's a bit worn. Branches Signature Sorry about blurryness in the last one...
  7. Close, but no cigar! ;) those are quite nice shirts too
  8. Haha yeah, I've been using other people's jerseys all season, as the clubs new shirts never came in. Next season we should have them. In ice when we get the shirts given to us I ALWAYS get a shirt two sizes too small!lol
  9. Sometime between February and June. Not very precise...but hey :P I don't use that stick, or visor/cage combo anymore, I'm the one with the jersey that's way too small, behind the kid with no helmet.
  10. Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip Saw them live at Belsonic last Friday, they are amazing live.
  11. is that tampa colours? yeah, 'Ballymoney Badgers', they got new shirts i believe
  12. Inline tournament about a year and a half ago I've got completely different equipment now, and this is the only decent picture I have. Sorry about the quality, off a phone. Hope this works...
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