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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About larrivee

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    Banned again

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    Montreal, Quebec
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  1. youtube.com/watch?v=4ow0bA4­H3BQ&feature=related This is sweet.
  2. Unfortunately UPS landed the plane on the gloves and broke the plastic in the thumb straight through, so they have to get shipped back. :(
  3. Don't tell us what you think or assume, tell us what you know.
  4. My pleasure! They don't use the Roberts/Recchi carbon design at all anymore. Even the creepers are based off of the other ones I posted. Make sure you specify the solid blue thumb, as thats not an option on the customizer. They also use the solid silver/black Warrior logo on the thumb. It's also hard to tell, but the cuff graphics are black with a silver outline. The logo on the bottom of the wrist is silver too.
  5. For reference (to those getting TBL colors)
  6. If they do payroll deduction for purchases you are completely screwed ;)
  7. Very cool post......the Coffey curve in my mind has always been associated with a banana!
  8. Got to shoot my new camera package at the Bolts beatdown of the Habs- very fun! First shoot with this camera.....literally arrived today.
  9. They look comfy, but first thing I'd do is get the kitchen shears and nuke all those straps and wraps, plus the top extension =)
  10. Agency: We are shooting 4 interview segments, with B-roll coverage (one location). Me: Ok, 2 days, one in studio one on location Agency: Ok, Cool, budget approved, submitted to client. Client: ok, cool. Sending scripts now. I receive scripts for 20 videos, 2-5 minutes each. Wait, what?
  11. Identical to my easton 5.5 focus flex blades.
  12. No idea. They had 5 left after I bought mine, but that was last week (Weds). They told me they had sold 150 sticks within a half day of putting the pics up on Facebook.
  13. Got my one95's from TSR today. Pics don't quite show the color, but they are orange :) Forgive the absurdly long grip job- I made it so that as I cut them down (during Stick and Puck) I wont have to re-tape.
  14. Got Nate Thompson too, looks like.
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