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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. Yup - Custom Warrior Franchise 13" glove (14" but the small cuff makes them 13" overall) modeled after Marian Hossa's gloves. Pro insert package, custom cuff, colors and embroidery. And a happy customer. They did mess up on one thing though - I had asked for and paid for the "NHL" lettering style, which is basically just Arial font but instead they gave me the retail embroidery. Oh well....no way I'm gonna send them back just for that.

  2. Those are nice Fletch, I really like how they dont have the stripes, and the fingers and cuff being the same color and everything else black looks awesome

    Yeah, I don't like the stripes - however, they used white thread on the stitching for the backrolls (and everywhere else for that matter) so I took out my trusty DecoColor fine-tipped paint pen and blacked it all out - looks flawless! :)

    First the skates and now those Fletch?! I hope your feeling well enough to use it all! :D Those look sick.

    Oh yeah, I'm good to go....been back on skates for about 4 weeks now. Also, I got another pair of One95's (for ice) so I'm in good shape as far as equipment goes ;)

  3. Custom Warrior Franchise 13" glove (14" but the small cuff makes them 13" overall) modeled after Marian Hossa's gloves. Pro insert package, custom cuff, colors and embroidery. And a happy customer. They did mess up on one thing though - I had asked for and paid for the "NHL" lettering style, which is basically just Arial font but instead they gave me the retail embroidery. Oh well....no way I'm gonna send them back just for that.





    Edit - new, better pics added

  4. Arggggghhhhhh......my custom Warriors were delivered to Monkey's warehouse in Corona, CA (about 20 miles from here) on Wednesday, and I called their store by my house to see if they had been delivered to the store so I can pick them up, and they're still in Corona. I am playing pickup tomorrow night and really wanted to use them! :(

    You posting pics of them when you get them I hope?

    Of course! :)

  5. Arggggghhhhhh......my custom Warriors were delivered to Monkey's warehouse in Corona, CA (about 20 miles from here) on Wednesday, and I called their store by my house to see if they had been delivered to the store so I can pick them up, and they're still in Corona. I am playing pickup tomorrow night and really wanted to use them! :(

  6. Here are a couple shots of me (#19 in gold) playing in a charity hockey game. I'm a Federal Corrections Officer and my team played against a nearby prison's team made up of Correctional Officers. The game was put on to raise money for my good friend and fellow Correctional Officer Blair Henry that has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. The stands were pack (approximately 500 people). The money raised is going into an education fund for Blair's two boys.


    Nice pics. That's really awesome of you guys to do for your buddy... :)

  7. If you don't mind me asking, what size hustlers did you pick up and also, what sizes have you worn in other pants? I'm a RBK medium and cant decide if I should go medium or large.

    Size XL in the Hustlers - my last pant before this was a Tackla Air 9000Z size 52.

  8. Picked up the last pair of Warrior Hustler pants at Monkey today (a bit of an impulse buy, but they fit me perfectly and a 10% off Black Friday sale! :))

    Not a lot in terms of media has been available for these pants around here and Monkey's pics of them on their site are inaccurate, so here's a few pics I took - Really, really solid pants, IMO.







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