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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. So fletch since you just had surgery I'm sure you'd love to have someone help you break those in right?? :lol: haha now more seriously best wishes with the recovery and best of luck with those b-e-a-utiful skates.

    Heh...Thanks man. I'll keep ya in mind ;)

    It's a line from Robocop, you goofs!

    Hahhaa.....They're probably too young to know what you meant..."Robocop? Who the hell is Robocop? Does he post here?"

    Seriously....kids these days!

    Man, I AM gettin' old....

  2. Heres a couple shots from yesterday mornings sticktime/scrimmage. Not really the best quality simply due to a very basic camera. Not really able to focus well in the lighting of the rink plus some of the foggyness we had early in the session. Im in the black Sharks practice jersey.




    Is that at Artesia?

  3. You owe me at least one box of Kleenex.

    Hahaha...I hope you were implying it's because of the x-rated meaning because if so, that just made me laugh out loud.

    Yep, that was the idea ;) .

    Nice....thanks for the laugh. Shoulder surgery yesterday and in pain but that was a bright spot. I read it to my Wife and she said "you guys are nerds." She is ignorant in the ways of the gear whore ;).

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