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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. Not before I do it first.


    (Even though Fletch has us both beat)

    Here's a quick mock-up of my next creation.....should be done by next month if all goes well. I have everything but the boots - I figure these will match up nice with my rollers :)


  2. Fletch, does your ache like hi heaven when it gets crappy out. I've got a 6 inch plate in my right arm with 6 screws. Man is it painful 10 years later. I got blindsided at center ice with mine.

    Yep. Isn't that the weirdest thing? Sometimes I get what I call "stingers" if I hit it on something, or get hit in a game and it basically makes my arm so painful I can barely rotate the forearm for a week. I also have a 4 inch plate on my radius in that arm. The first time I broke it I literally broke it in half to where it looked like I had 2 elbows. It was gnarly ;).

    just bought them off ebay yesterday to replace my navy/baby blue NBHone90s :D


    Missconduct, those are beauties. I wonder how one would go about ordering custom ones like that from Warrior, since their site doesn't allow you to do that color scheme........(?)

  3. Got them after I broke my arm for alil added protection around the plates. I was shocked how mobile they are with the extra long cuffs, so I'm hooked eagle def has the design just right.

    Nice. I have two plates in my right arm...one goes all the way up the ulna (8 inches)...18 screws total. Of course I broke it playing hockey. :)

  4. TPs Rubber was not a bust, nor was the vapor XX or the Sickkick. A Rubber response was more of a bust and so is NHL 2K anything

    Disagree. NHL 2K3 and 2K5 were extremely solid and easily the best hockey games on the market, especially back when EA's NHL series was in the toilet. It wasn't until NHL '07 when EA finally started to get it right (again).

  5. Do the Maltbys come with straps that hook up to elbow pads?


    For real, that dude is the toughest half-shield in the league. Will back down and never drop the gloves but when the refs come in and try to separate, that's when he's at his toughest.

    Oh yes, I know....I remember a game in LA when Avery got in his face and as the refs step in, Maltby throws a right cross that cut Avery. I know it was Avery, but still....like you said - gutless.

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