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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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aal last won the day on September 12 2021

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  1. Anyone know if there's anyplace in Los Angeles / Orange County area that has flat /v sharpening available?
  2. I think they run big also; about a 1/4 size. I always felt the bauer 7 was a little big for me, but the 6.5 was too small. The 6.5 in the vapor 60 is just right for me.
  3. I've had a few size 7 bauers in the past, and they've always been 263.
  4. Anyone using it in the Stanely Cup playoffs?
  5. I always had this exact same problem with bauers. For some reason though, with the vapor 60, the "size smaller" skate fits me right. I wish they were still a little more snug, but I've got somewhat low volume feet, and the vapors are still, I think, one of the best fitting skates for people with low - medium volume feet. They're still the best fitting skates I've had, and I've tried a lot of different skates.
  6. Went back and tried on a half size smaller, and they were much better fitting, and I got a pair. Best heel lock I've experienced in just trying a skate on. Hope to skate in them today or tomorrow. Might have gotten a 50 if they'd had them, due to price though. Skated on them today. Best skates I've ever had on, no question. Heel locks like no other skate I've ever had. They're stiff but comfortable at the same time. Beautiful lining, light, and look good also.
  7. Went back and tried on a half size smaller, and they were much better fitting, and I got a pair. Best heel lock I've experienced in just trying a skate on. Hope to skate in them today or tomorrow. Might have gotten a 50 if they'd had them, due to price though.
  8. I tried on a pair of 60's at a local shop last night. I think they are definitely deeper than the xxxx's. Too deep for me, but a very nice skate.
  9. Thanks. I didn't realize volume issues could be addressed with a custom order.
  10. IF you have checked it recently I uploaded the entire thing. So, the 60 is deeper than the xxxx? A size up would mean a deeper skate, it's pretty obvious. Can you order a custom skate a size down? That is, get a 60 that fits like a xxxx? Why would you do a custom skate order to fit like another skate? How about to fit your foot? Think it's time for a vacation. I meant could I get the length I need, but with a shallower boot? Sounds like it might be good for me to have the fit of the XXXX but with the new liner / other features of the 60.
  11. On the issue of the depth of the 60's, can anyone compare it to graf g5's or the ccm skates? Still less deep than ccm's?
  12. So, the 60 is deeper than the xxxx? A size up would mean a deeper skate, it's pretty obvious. Can you order a custom skate a size down? That is, get a 60 that fits like a xxxx?
  13. So, the 60 is deeper than the xxxx?
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