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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Ahriman

  1. The Rocket runner wasn't a failure, it is a great product. Sharpeners who didn't know how to sharpen it properly, they were the failure. They were the ones who turned customers off to it. Many thought it was the blade and just didn't know it was just an incorrect sharpening. How is it not a bust? A bust would be something hyped that never caught on ; exactly what the rocket runner is. Its barely even lighter as well. Hold a piece of 280mm LS2 steel in your hand; now go get a 280mm RocketRunner. "Barely" is not the word you will be using.
  2. I picked up my Swedish krona for my vacation today, all of a sudden this trip got real. Looking forward to that.
  3. Surprisingly minimal look to the 10k shoulders, I like.
  4. Coppers and regular rivets are different, not better/worse. They each have their own strength and weaknesses depending on the direction of the force exerted on them.
  5. or they dont shoot properly. I dont use "good" form, I can pick corners well enough and beat goalies five hole at my upper end of average level, however if I use a 77 flex stick I'd be buying them once a month. If I keep with 85/100 flex sticks I still get good flex and they last a whole season minimum.
  6. dunno why it took me this long to post, made these myself with some spare time in the shop. Wheels/chassis are from my old missions I had for about 9 years. Had to use mostly coppers because the riveter we had would not come straight down on the rivet, it kept hitting the chassis on the way down to the boot.
  7. I felt spot on in the size I was expecting to, a little small if anything when I tried them
  8. Being let go from a job I hated that I was dragging my feet on leaving anyways because I wasn't manning up to it. Hey, at least now I can collect some unemployment while I sort some things out.
  9. If the three times a year pond skaters are too lazy to dry off blades after skating, no way they will do that. I was going to say, that would require customers doing something useful to protect their equipment. Honestly no matter what kind of condition the blades are in, I still take it personally when someone hands me a wet pair of skates.
  10. tongue doesnt feel THAT different to me but then again I dont skate in them so I wouldnt know for sure.
  11. A quick google couldn't tell me the exact measurement but since they are the same LS2 holders the same size 7 on an older skate will be the same, you know in case you had a Vapor XXXX, XXV or XVI sitting around to look at.
  12. QQ from me, still can't get that around me last I checked. edit, Blarg, I read it as 100/50, my brain overwrote it :P
  13. because they bought them for marketing and not the fit? *shrug* I'd be happy to let anyone try on a pair of skates but you have to get the right ones for your feet, not your ego. The people who get the right skates are the ones who come in and say "I have no intention of letting marketing turn into unfounded brand loyalty, I want to try on every skate that will fit my foot that you have"
  14. A deek is a legitimate skill move, if you cant see the difference I guess we'll all just have to agree to disagree at where the douchebag bush league line is.
  15. We just got the 95 gloves as well so I'll comment as well, though my opinion might be entirely suspect because I dont like the 4 rolls... The One95 gloves were a great fit for the most part on me, standard 14" worked just fine, I loved the finger sizing and feel, hugged the right places, flexed well, the only problem I had with them really is like the 4 rolls the thumb is angled in a little, and when I closed my hand around a stick or made a fist the material on my pointer finger caught the material covering my thumb somewhat and that just felt odd to me. Otherwise its a really really nice glove, if I wasn't so damn ga ga over the PPFs I'd have no choice but to consider them.
  16. this will obviously go against the grain, but care to elaborate as to why is it so bad? I personally think it's a fair game (obviously when applied periodically and NOT all the time so that it doesn't become annoying) - at least it teaches people to look before they pass - makes it real nope, bush league dick move done even once. It teaches people that you're a douche. There just isn't a way to describe why it's wrong, it just is and anyone who thinks it is acceptable has something fundamentally wrong with them as well. <_<
  17. ouch. sounds like blademaster is totally boned on this one....
  18. ehnnn.... I'd do it once, twice maybe, if I felt a goal stick in my ass I'd stop.
  19. Is there a reason you're picking a fight about this? Because I'm just voicing a different opinion.
  20. I'd wait to change, get more used to the regular edges and later get FBV. Start driving your mom's 1986 Corolla before you step up to your dad's Porsche. While I agree with the second statement I dont see how well it stands up as an analogy. Learning to skate and using your edges is a lot easier when you don't add additional speed to the mix. I've seen plenty of guys, in coaching, that get going fast and go in hard to the boards because they can't turn or stop... Let's add some extra speed to that, great. I hadn't thought of that, good point. I don't have that problem now, but I can definitely see myself doing that if I was going faster. I'll hold off on it for now. Well there is a lot more to driving a high end car than "it goes faster" but I wont split hairs, I see your point but honestly, if they can go faster without putting as much effort into it I think that is a good thing, learning crossovers and other stuff harder IMHO when going slow than normal speed. By not putting as much effort into going a normal speed they can concentrate more on the maneuver's mechanics.
  21. I'd wait to change, get more used to the regular edges and later get FBV. Start driving your mom's 1986 Corolla before you step up to your dad's Porsche. While I agree with the second statement I dont see how well it stands up as an analogy. Are you kidding, he's loving hockey so much he's spending his whole paycheck in my store. Plenty of opportunity to get rid of him later! :D I dunno still seems like a shoot first ask questions later situation....
  22. Going faster with less work is going to benefit everyone. Of course if you're stride mechanics are way off you probably wont get as much out of it but I don't see why it would be bad for you to try it. Unless a FBV sharpen is vastly inconvenient for you to get/maintain (drive an extra 20 minutes/mail the blades out) I'd give it a try :)
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