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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Ahriman

  1. some people apparently can't do one with out being the other.
  2. THat is very strange. And I didn't even stay at the "equivalent" bite angle, I actually went shallower. *shrug* dunno then. I've sharpened my own all season between 1/2" and 9/16", tried 90/75 and felt slippery, tried 100/75 and I lost all the extra glide. After that sharpening went dull I was back on 1/2" and didn't really feel difference. Like I said though the ice quality is a travesty though so I'm really thinking that had something to do with it.
  3. I was on the ice again with a regular 1/2" sharpening again for the first time in a month and a half or so, honestly I noticed almost no difference between it and a 100/75 cut; then again the ice sheet I was on was shit poor and might have something to do with it.
  4. Lemme know when Dave gets the 100/50. :) I tried both the 90/75 and 100/75 and neither was for me. 90 was too slippery, 100 had none of the extra glide FVB is suppose to give.
  5. HockeyGiant got a few boxes of X:60s in today. Tried a pair on, checked em out. Stiff as hell, fun stuff.
  6. Thanks for the picture. All this time, I was thinking that the 'V' was a lot more pronounced than that. From what I had envisioned, I assumed that going from an FBV sharpening to a 'regular' sharpening would waste a lot of steel, but that doesn't seem to be the case, after seeing what the FBV looks like... The V comes from the shape of the cut if they didn't flatten it out. If they did have a real "V" cut to it, the hollow would be deeper and not have the "more glide" effect of having more steel on the ice. You can see from the flatbottomv.com diagram where the lines for the V come from but aren't made. :)
  7. Hope no one minds the question but I got a few ladies in my life who have figure skates and it just occurred to me to ask if anyone has tried putting a FBV sharpening on a figure skater's blades and heard any reports back... so if you have, post em up :P
  8. it's just too bad there isnt one spot on 1/2" equiv. I haven't had the chance to try the 100/50 yet cause the shop doesnt have it yet.
  9. Yeah even at a huge place like Hockey Giant I dont think you can get waxed ref laces; fyi the black skate 'mods' you see here are mostly spray paint with masking tape over certain graphics and the holders.
  10. *Shrug* It's just some people. I go forever between sharpening. I would go a month or more between them while being on the ice 5.5 hours a week during high school. If I didn't work in a shop and was able to just do my skates whenever I wanted I probably would still be on that relative schedule. The idea that steel would need replacing before the boot absolutely baffled me.
  11. Most people I have put into the FBV say the 100/75 has more bite than 1/2", and I would agree. The 90/75 is right around 5/8 or 11/16 in terms of bite. Yup, mirrors my exact experiences, unfortunately I'm not comfortable skating on either of those, have you heard much about the 100/50? I'm hoping for more of "1/2" bite with more glide" otherwise I'm sticking with a traditional sharpening.
  12. I wish I could say that myself. 90/75 felt like 1" or more glide and bite so I felt like I was going to lose it every turn. 100/75 felt like 5/8" bite and glide, too much bite and no "floating" super-awesome glide. 100/50 is not yet an option for me so I'm back to sharpening my own at 1/2"
  13. different job, different tool. for me it's an open squared toe for defense, rounded toe mid blade curve for forward.
  14. Lets see our most recent stupid customer: "You guys should get more sherwood sticks in, because they're the only one with the coffey curve, and thats the only curve us old guys use."
  15. "Not too sharp. Just a couple passes." I might be tempted to hang myself with that customer's skate laces
  16. I'm sure you could do exactly what you're talking about. It's not like that part shows, just make sure its sewn well enough that it won't tear. I will warn you though, i pretty much wrecked my fingers trying to sew through the chest guard and elbow pads. I figured it might be a bit hard. I think I will give it a shot and see how it works out. get a sewing awl you can also use needle nose pliers. i did that on the leg pads i got. spent 20 hours on one set the other set 24 hours sewing them back up. they were sliced heavily to prevent someone from using them (were in a dumpster) Sounds like you fished out a defective pair. Shops are suppose to destroy gear returned as defective before tossing it.
  17. Well that's horribly disappointing. 90/75 felt amazing and got the whole "floating" feeling but the edges just didn't have enough bite for me to feel comfortable with (180 pounds, 6', 1/2" sharpening normally); trying out the 100/75 felt sharper, much sharper, too sharp even, I was catching my edges more than usual, enough to throw me off. I lost the floating feeling, and while I did feel that I glided better and for longer per stride, the discomfort of the harder bite just makes it a wash for me. End result, when I feel this sharpening has gone dull, I'll be back to sharpening my own at 1/2" til I can try out the 100/50 cut. Maybe that will be the ticket but for now, FBV just isn't for me.
  18. Meh, the shop I was at to get it done was neither gigantic nor charging more per sharpening. $4 for hockey skates; no sign advertising or salesmen pitching the FBV either.
  19. "If I give another discount, I will be fired" If he doesn't like that answer he can try to worm one out of someone else.
  20. My blades looked dull, brand new out of the box dull, when I got mine done at 90/75, still peeled fingernail like a fresh sharpen but just looked flat and dull. That said I was on them for the first time just today at an open skate and wow the glide on them was nuts, I just felt like I could go forever on hard ice. I was actually worried about trying to test my speed without any of my equipment on for as fast as my casual skating felt. I think 100/50 would be ideal for me because I flirt with 5/8" or 9/16" generally when sharpening my own but my only options at the shop were 90/75 and 100/75 and at the time having something that is the equiv of 1/2" to 3/8" bite just sounded like too much but I might go give it a try because I'd rather skate on something too sharp then worried about my feet flying out from me.
  21. I'm sure you could do exactly what you're talking about. It's not like that part shows, just make sure its sewn well enough that it won't tear. I will warn you though, i pretty much wrecked my fingers trying to sew through the chest guard and elbow pads. I figured it might be a bit hard. I think I will give it a shot and see how it works out. get a sewing awl
  22. At hockeygiant in case someone actually did want a michigan/sweden helmet :P
  23. I need a new pair of rocket runners for my skates so I'm using it as an excuse to drive up and get a FBV cut done today, I'm gitty like a school girl :P
  24. Yeah, but no. Chrome cages are supposed to minimize visual interference, Chrome visors are made to make the user look stupid. Big dif. I would never equate a chrome cage with a mirrored visor. And I completely disagree. :shrug:
  25. Alright, well I'm finally curious enough to give up sharpening my own to try this new fangeled sharpening out, does anyone know somewhere in the twin cities that runs a FBV set up yet? Hell at this point I'm considering picking up a spare set of steel to mail out to.... somewhere... to try it out.
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