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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by OhioBlue

  1. Hi im just wondering. i know this has been said a million times. but where in the customizer, do you say what color you want a pinky stripe????? if you want one and can you get the top parts the i think maybe cuff a different color, than the base color thanks.......
  2. Um... where? My LHS in dublin has them in black and cbj colors in need the blue jackets ones
  3. :P 4500 looks different is it or is it justthe magazine playing tricks? also how do i get made to order custom pants i want to get some like the jackets our AAA had em last year but have ccm pants now
  4. do they really put a pinky stripe onyl if you put it in additional notes or do you have to request it by phone
  5. So there will not be any more nike bauer branded equipment like the xxxx line and the 9500 helmet?
  6. In the catalouge i noticed the e pro gloves came in olumbus will i be able to order them of easton hockey?
  7. Why did nike bauer go back to just bauer on osme items for 2009
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