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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by OhioBlue

  1. Plymouth is in the OHL so they would be wearing CCM gloves. Not x60's
  2. Still the old helmet lettering on the front!?
  3. Oh man those are sweet Eagles. Where did you pick those up?
  4. Those Bauer X:60's are sooo nice. I think Black skates are the best looking skates made.
  5. ISTOUT, Nice pick ups!
  6. Nice gloves you got there! I really wish Warrior would at least use the base color thread on the stripes.
  7. I'll tell you after you learn to spell. Who Cares?
  8. Where can i get a samsonov pro stock 195?
  9. Where did u get the helmet what seller?
  10. Team gloves came in custom harrows embroidered team logo. Will get pic up after camera batteries arrive.
  11. My new shelley easton pro stock columbus gloves. Picked em up for 75 and they had brand new black leather palms. Also my new 1500c's. http://www.flickr.com/photos/40828503@N06/...in/photostream/
  12. Just picked up some jody shelley columbus pro stock eastons. only 75.00 for them, guy said he practiced in them once.
  13. Nice pick up! Ebay?
  14. You would get ripped in Phew for red laces but other than that sick.
  15. Okeetee, those Easton pro's are sick!
  16. I Made the AAA Ohio Junior Blue jackets, and get some sick custom harrow gloves. Also only 5 days of school left.
  17. Nice Cleary eastons. What model I have looked for columbus or navy colors?
  18. Is that little caesers? I know they wear white but it looked liek their colors.
  19. Sorry. Never really thought about it.
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