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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by michael.yue

  1. Been a while since i put all my equipment up, so here is is: Skates: Vapor XXXX, Supreme 50. Helmet: V10 w/ Itech RBEIII cage, NBH 8500 w/8500 cage Gloves: Vapor XXXX pro, Supreme One90 Shins: Reebok 8k Shoulder Pads: Easton Stealth S9 Elbow Pads: Easton Stealth 999 Pants: Bauer Vapor XXX lite Sticks: Pro stock Bauer One95 (Rene Bourque), Pro stock SE16 (Rene Bourque), Easton Stealth CNT, Bauer One55 woody x2 (outdoor hockey)
  2. i would say that it's a bust, after all after only a year ccm stopped putting them on their skates.
  3. ya my dad has some 652s with pumps too and my brother has a pair of 998s
  4. sorry for the dumb question, but what are digital palms? what are the advantages/disadvantages? and what kind of material are they made from?
  5. So... did you get them?
  6. a couple of updates: Sticks: Pro stock Rene Bourque One95 and Pro stock Rene Bourque SE16
  7. toe to heel is the way to go! I've always gone toe to heel
  8. I think that's just an illusion from the switching to and from cable knit. It looks like its a solid roll with a HD plastic insert. But I'm just going off of appearances :) ya but if u look closely through the cable nit, u can see the little circles that are in the middle of the ferrell squares
  9. looks like the gloves have the Ferrell squares
  10. looks like the visor hossa and kovalchuk wear
  11. I like the black nice work
  12. oh i thought the ppfi were more slim looking
  13. what kind of eagles are those?
  14. how did u get the grabovki warriors?
  15. nice, i really like the red/gold PS how did you get the picture/screen grab? you getting those in nylon, syn leather or carbon?
  16. those are sick have u used them yet?
  17. you should definitely do it to your U+ skates the ones that belong to the first guy who did it look sick
  18. Sick skates... just a suggestion if you can switch those cobra holders for some ls2s
  19. Helmet: Bauer 8500 (getting the 9500 soon) Cage: Bauer 9500 Shoulder Pads: Easton Stealth S9 Elbow Pads: Easton Stealth 999 Gloves: Bauer Vapor XXXX pro Pants: Bauer Vapor XXX lite Shin Pads: Synergy 300 (getting new ones soon any suggestions?) Skates: Bauer Vapor XXXX Sticks: Easton Stealth CNT, Bauer One95, Bauer One55 woody (outdoor hockey)
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