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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mack

  1. I got $10,000 off of my truck (08 Tundra Double Cab). For the family......possibly a Tundra Crew Max, 4Runner, or Sequoia. All are getting some pretty nice rebates right now from Toyota.

    After their annoying commercials, I've put them on the to-do list for the weekend to check them out. My work also has deals thru GM and Nissan/Infiniti, so I'll check those first to see what they're putting up. May as well complete the golden sombrero of GMs in our household.

  2. You forget about CoreBeam, which was started in 2001. :)

    You mean the Koho Corebeam? I thought that was the replacement to the Revolution DRC shaft, which was like 98'ish? could be completely wrong though

    There was no actual replacement for the Revolution DRC shaft. Corelights and Corebeams came later, but the Revolution was the same as the previous Vector DRC shafts.

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