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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mack

  1. They may be grippy but it may be a dry tack, which isn't what Easton had. Neumanns would be the closest I've seen and I think they're pretty much illegal in a lot of leagues for their grip. Maybe eBay has some. My guess if they're around is the formula has been changed, making me wish I'd kept my pair from HS.

  2. Eagle x72, Navy/Silver, nothing fancy.

    MSH1 Overlay, Mesh Gussets, and Kangaroo pouch!

    Too bad I'm injured, I can't wait to try em out on ice.


    Perty gloves there! Sucks you're injured. Get well soon and show those off on the ice.

    thanks. these are unlike anything i've ever put on. can't wait to use em.

    Just wanted to finish off what was left of Bandwidth.

  3. Bartenders are easily the first people I tip. Give a bartender a nice hefty tip on your first round and you won't have to be screaming orders at all the rest of the night. Then again, I tip virtually everyone, even the kids who take out your groceries at the store. Sure they don't get the minimum wage but it's damn near and that job has to suck. Thing is they're not allowed to take them so I have to "accidentally" drop the tip like they've found lost money.

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