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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mack

  1. My bet is it ends up like the goalie's shooting contest. They just need to have the true skills competition back and it will be infinitely better than it is now, but obviously nothing with mass appeal. At least then maybe EA would see some people that aren't all-stars can actually skate and shoot. The people that do their ratings suck balls.

  2. I still don't get the stigma of using Warrior. Sure they have douche-y advertising but it's just as bad as Easton's pompous BS-laden crap. It's still an Inno at its core, so it's not a bad shaft and I don't see the torque being a problem as much as it had been in the past.

  3. I know this was posted before... I believe it was Buzz's collection?


    He could use a different stick for each game of the season.. almost

    he could use a different stick for almost every shift of a few games...the only problem would be carting the stick around for each game. I don't think any one makes bags big enough for 12-15 sticks though.

    Just wanted to join the bandwagon.

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