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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mack

  1. What kind of skates did Hipster post?

    What are those? Are they an old model or just a regular 709 that aren't very stiff?

    They are the original 709 model. As you probably know, the 709's all have that rectangular leather strip that juts down the side of the ankles. Well originally, they had a functional purpose. The stiffeners slide into those Leather pockets.

    Are you fucking kidding me? Where's the hidden camera? No one can be this stupid. It's the post right above your retarded blathering.

  2. Kovalev Pro

    I heard that there was like 18 different Kovalev prostock.

    But the one Kovalev use most is pro stock Kovalev pattern 3, do you know any of so, does David also use pattern 3?

    Is this the only goddamn thing you can talk about? Shut up already, Del Griffith.

  3. Lawryde-

    Original is good, but that's pretty hard to come by unless it's a sleeve or something else with more work done on it. Someone getting a singular tattoo is more than likely getting something we've seen before. I can always forgive girls for getting something silly when it's done near their hips though, but I'm human.

  4. It's a bit of a stretch to compare tattoos to my awesome first appearance of Cable comic book. I see your point though and can't goof on someone for getting a tattoo so long as there's reasoning behind it. It may look gaudy but they had their reasons to get it. Though it's sad how many of the same Canada-related hockey tats all look the same and deserve all the goofing they get.

  5. He's never been that way and I wouldn't expect him to change now. JD alluded to the Blues needing to learn how to win and this is a great lesson in putting the team before anything else. Besides, D3 Mighty Ducks showed us all what happens when you don't kill the clock properly.

  6. Typical of Andy Murray to not give a young guy a chance at the hat trick with the empty net. David didn't see the ice in the last three minutes or so.

    Bullshit. I'm glad David had 2 ginos but a one-goal lead against Detroit isn't a given, so keep the guys that are checkers out there. This won't be his last chance at a hattie.

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