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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by NYRSinceBirth

  1. Needed longer shins (13" N/B Pro -> 14" 7K). Loved the RBKs I previously had, hated the strap system so I used a stove top, flat head screw driver, and: Purely fit/preference, but couldn't be happier.
  2. Picked up the skates and had the TUUKs put on at a local shop (West Side Skate) a couple weeks ago.
  3. Traded these for a repalming. Sent my buddy's Blue XXX to Mark at Peaches Pro Repair (MSH2), he gave me these. His gloves will be back this week.
  4. Add Vapor XXXX's to the list. Literally doesn't feel like the break in period. They're perfect. I might buy another pair to just have for when these are up.
  5. New stuff: HS22 put on the 5100 '08 Dolomite 85 flex grip Smyth.
  6. Koho C21 in a 100 Flex Z-Bubble grip (3' plug) Tapered toed Sakic woodie in a OPS 87 flex One95 shaft Warrior Saprykin pro stock in a 70 flex Synergy II Koho C21 tapered in a Pro (102) Flex Bauer XV grip shaft (Needs to be cut about an inch) Toed P88 Vapor XVI woodie Another view of the Saprykin I also have a Malkin pro stock in a 100 flex Dolo shaft grip, SE6 Gaborik 85 flex grip, and a huge toed Sakic in a flipped U+. Sorry for picture quality, they were uploaded from my iPhone/BlackBerry.
  7. About a month, maybe like 2 months ago, when I was home doing work on my parents house my neighbor let me drive his cousin's '04 Terminator (Mustang Cobra). The only ( ) had a solid 8.8, drag radials, and a pulley/chip waiting on a a second tune. It's easily one of the funnest cars I've ever driven, and for a car with 3.73's and running high 11s, unbelievably smooth. The car was a monster, hence, it is the next car I have set my eyes on.
  8. Hey don't get my wrong, I'm not complaining at all. At least if I play crap I still look like a good player haha Yeah, thats a pretty freaky resemblance in those photos! The eyes look like Prucha but the 5 O'clock screams Jags. Weird.
  9. Not to mention it freakin' hurts. My 6k shins were a little long, so I gave them to a buddy. I use cheepo S1's now and you feel everything. Even congratulatory taps to the shins sting sometimes. I really don't see how difficult it is to just bring equipment, or why some people think it's ok for them to be different. But who am I, I don't own shoulder pads anymore.
  10. Don't trip a guy in front of the net when a guy at the point is shooting. Today at pick up (I'm sure it was a mistake) a guy on my team wound up nice and high, and I was in front of the net. Just before I made a move to get out of the way the guy behind put his stick between my legs (Again, I'm sure it was accidental). Long story short a trip/thrown off balance makes you very vulnerable.
  11. Please go out and look at the design and construction of any modern bridge. The general shape (i.e. arch or suspension) is based upon it's design, look, qualities (how cheaply it needs to be be) etc. But one unavoidable commonality is triangulation. Why? Because it's incredibly strong and stable. Triangulation offers support at any angle, while an arch typically works best in a specific loading point. A round (traditional) hollow is designed to support the weight of the skater, but on a much larger scale (forces no skater could but on the steel anyway) it would bend or roll as us hockey people call it. But, those failure forces are so extreme, that either a FBV or ROH will be perfectly suited for any skater, no matter how hard they are on their edges. Of course you can roll both a hollow or FBV, as quality of steel, sharpen, wear, etc all are taken into account, and all ice/conditions are perfectly the same. Point being: coming from a completely physics and forces standpoint, and the degree of which a skater puts on his steel, there aren't any real advantages with both designs, they both are perfectly suited for the job. And oh, the strongest 3D geometric shape is the sphere :D.
  12. Update: Helmet: Bauer 5100 w/ cage Gloves: NBH 4 Rolls (black), TPS R8 (Black and Red) Skates: Vapor XIX (One95's soon hopefully) Sticks: Synergy II w/ pro stock Saprykin (70 flex), Synergy II w/ pro stock O'Sullivan (70 flex) Dolo grip w/ Pro stock Malkin (100 flex), Broken One95 OPS with a tapered woodie Sakic (87 flex), 5030 Coffee, SE16 w/ Ovechkin V10 (100 flex) Flipped XXXX with a woodie Sakic (100 flex), Flipped U+ with a Lidstrom ST (87 flex), Montreal 8825. Shoulders: none Shins: Easton S1 Elbows: RBK 6K Pants NBH One70
  13. Water damage to my digital camera means I need to buy a new one, so pictures will have to wait. But I picked up a Sulivan Pro Stock (Warrior) blade. Just FYI: It is NOT an open toe as HM says. It's basically a milder Lidstrom with a round toe and the same openess. I also got a Dolomite 100 flex shaft (Cut 3 inches, so over a 110 flex now) and some black red and white TPS R8 gloves. Pics eventually, just need a camera.
  14. The Malkin Pro Stock I got i very comparable to the retail Warrior Kovalchuk. I ordered a Sullivan Warrior pro stock, what should I expect? I'm looking into some PPF's, and some TPS R8 gloves.
  15. I turned 21 Monday. Same day as the Messier promise, and this time Memorial day.
  16. Dude that looks sweet. I'm actually going to copy this, it looks fantastic. Sidebar: I love the Synergy II/Warrior pro stock combo. On another note, the Malkin blade came in, I'll have pics this week. I might trade it if I could find a second Saprykin to trade for.
  17. So hm has warrior pro stock malkin blades? As of the time of my original post, yes.
  18. Beautiful. I was expecting a mid, but I did not want anything as mild as the PM9. Probably closed or slightly open right? This is what you're getting : http://cgi.ebay.com/BAUER-ONE90-PRO-STOCK-...sh=item25546926 Sweet. I'll put up a pic when I get it.
  19. Beautiful. I was expecting a mid, but I did not want anything as mild as the PM9. Probably closed or slightly open right?
  20. HM called, no Beech, no Hossa, no Elias. I got the Malkin pro stock. What should i be expecting?
  21. The Kovy's I've seen are massive toe hooks. Much more extreme looking than the Saprykin, but I could be wrong. Comrie and Elias I've come by, Hossa I can't find just a blade, and the others I'll have to take your word on. I probably should have said 'come across' rather then existed. That's why your the expert around here. I always thought the Kovalchuk was deeper, they are much closer ten I had thought. I'm going to try the Elias or Hossa depending on what HM has in stock (Warrior Pro Stock). Thanks TBL.
  22. The Kovy's I've seen are massive toe hooks. Much more extreme looking than the Saprykin, but I could be wrong. Comrie and Elias I've come by, Hossa I can't find just a blade, and the others I'll have to take your word on. I probably should have said 'come across' rather then existed.
  23. Awesome curve you've got on it. I'm so jealous of the lefties and the nice curves you guys get to choose from. I'm really liking the shaft so far too. You can almost just flick your wrists and still load it up and get some good speed on your shot. Slappers don't feel all that bad to me, but that's because I've been using a 75 flex for a few months now. I wish I could find some of these on closeout and stock up on a few. That's not a bad idea, so if you find some, and leave a few left over, give me a heads up if ya could? The slapper will come with time, I'm used to my One90 96 flex guy for those. And yes, lefties get a nice bounty to choose from, but I'd kill for a mirrored pro stock Kovalchuk if it existed.
  24. I just got the same shaft. 70 Flex, pulled the plug, cut an inch off. I put a Warrior Saprykin pro stock blade in it, fells light, just a little blade heavy. I'm going to cut another inch off an put a 1 inch plug in the end (I usually leave the shaft open on my OPS) to balance it a little better. I won't mind it being slightly heaveir as it's very light right now. I'll put up a pic tonight. I really like mine so far. I'm coming from a Dolomite 75 flex, and I really feel like my shot's harder with this thing. It doesn't feel too whippy, and it's lighter than the Dolomite shaft. A little blade heavy because of that, but it still has pretty good balance. The Harrow blade I put in it isn't the lightest one around, so I think if I put an Easton or Warrior blade in it, it'd have better balance. Plus, I wanted to try a shorter stick, and this being 1" shorter than the Dolo uncut is a plus as well. Right now it's about the same length and flex as most intermediate sticks, so now I know whether I could use/buy an intermediate and be happy with it. I'm really loving this combo. The flex lets me shoot away from my body, or with my hands high/close together. The curve makes the puck just take off. The only thing I have to get used to is slappers/one timers, I feel like I almost have to be gentle with it because I would break it other wise. I'll just have to push it and see what I can get away with.
  25. I just got the same shaft. 70 Flex, pulled the plug, cut an inch off. I put a Warrior Saprykin pro stock blade in it, fells light, just a little blade heavy. I'm going to cut another inch off an put a 1 inch plug in the end (I usually leave the shaft open on my OPS) to balance it a little better. I won't mind it being slightly heaveir as it's very light right now. I'll put up a pic tonight.
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