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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Anyone tried Goat? i got mustang and nash right now but am curious about how goat stacks up.
  2. Very nice, you might be the first to get the Kovy cuff. Hows the length feel because it does look a bit longer then the other cuffs?
  3. Are custom warriors still made with a single stitch?
  4. I would just ask them on their fb group. http://www.facebook.com/pshghockey
  5. I got the synergy 800's and my friend wanted to get the same but hasn't found any yet, so he is considering getting some of these pro stock EQ5's coming out. The cuff seems to be the big difference. They actually came out with Synergy 900's it looks like, different cuff from the 800's.
  6. aarias19 how do those fight compared to the pro stock Easton's synergy 800/epros? Thats if youve tried them.
  7. Whoa, those Hossa blades should be pretty popular when people find out about them.
  8. Those Easton's look different a little different then the other pro stocks, more rounded on the forefinger and thumb. Thats unless they are EQ5's.
  9. Those must be 15inch right? My 13's feel like 14's in other brands so i imagine those are huge.
  10. has anyone put one of these mouthguard holders on? Is it possible to stitch into the glove or does a cobbler have to do it?
  11. why would you need that much extra of everything?
  12. 7k is a 9144, while an 8k is a 9177.
  13. Didnt Zherdev use a 110flex in a dolo pro?
  14. K screw it i just got 90/75 and im going to stay with it.
  15. K thanks, thats what i figured which is why i wanted to go to FBV in the first place. I actually tried BFD before too, and i noticed i liked the FBV alot more. So i imagine going to a 5/8 hollow would make no sense?
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