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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by uclahockey707

  1. I had the sale date wrong, I leave next Wednesday. Sale wasn't great, check the discussion thread.
  2. So I was sorting all my stuff out today and figured I could throw it all together and take a pic. Matt Martin CCM 4 rolls Christian Hanson Franchises Retro Habs Franchises John Tavares CCM U+CLs DJ King WC AK27s Witt Islander Franchises All Star U+CLs Strum Franchises (Kings) Hossa Franchises Skille Franchises Stamkos XXXX's Lisin Franchises Custom Creepers Kesler/Ehrhoff Cancuks Pants, Kindl Redwings, and Islander
  3. I can't believe you're the one who bought those. I can't talk to you for at least a month now.
  4. Recent Additions Not the best picture, will do a family shot at some point. All Star U+CLs, Leaf Franchises, CCM Islander 4-rolls, Islander Navy Franchises and John Tavares U+CLs
  5. Creepers do not fit like an anatomical glove (they aren't even comparable to vapor xxxx or the supreme line of gloves). My pair (14") is very loose and I have large hands that don't fit many, if any anatomical 14" gloves. As for your question about the bauer 4 -rolls vs. franchises, the 4 rolls have a lot more cushioning on the back of the hand and in the fingers and are about 2-3 times as heavy, and as Gr8 said, they have shorter fingers.
  6. +1 for Gr8erade. Absolutely agree, my creepers from day one fit very similar to the franchises.
  7. The sturms and skilles both have that font. It's the NHL font from this year and possibly last that warrior has been using.
  8. Yeah, they're basically hossa clones (same cuff and carbon pinky design, and interior padding (cut away pad on back of had) but different palms. Hossa has mustang and the skilles are a leather palms that isnt mustang or kangaroo).
  9. A couple of my newest additions Marian Hossa Pro Stocks, Skille Pro Stocks and Sturm Pro Stocks Check out the thumb on the Sturms. Felt type material. (a BIG thank you to Shaun down in LA, awesome guy!)
  10. Mustang holds up great, not a fan of mesh gussets so haven't had mustang with them. But the palms themselves are awesome.
  11. I'm with you Brian, never understood it either. But like hattrick said, it's all personal preference. But I've never found anything to complain about in warrior's current logo printing/screening.
  12. Draper uses a non-retail cuff (a one piece cuff similar to the savard cuff) and I believe he has the cuff sewn together on the undercuff
  13. Blooming Cuff: Standard (no fee) Non-Blooming Cuff: Not standard, but you just have to ask Joe M. (no fee) Savard or Twist(Hossa) or Kovy: are $50
  14. I've used both. Preferred the older standard cuff, although a lot of people like the blooming better, it's really just preference. I have a pair of standard cuff customs on ebay right now, just posted them. You can see the cuff a bit in the pictures. It doesn't roll out like the blooming, rather it remains straight or parallel with the glove.
  15. Darshu- I love those customs, it's nice to see something new every once and a while. Great looking gloves man!
  16. Haha, I sold that pair to casey, but I found a similar pair and couldn't resist, I love the older eagle palms, so soft. I'm getting pretty bad about gloves, so I'm selling Timmy a pair this week too so I can consolidate a bit. I'm not making it onto the ice nearly as much as I was so I got share the wealth a bit instead of hording a bunch of gloves.
  17. eye of the beholder my friend :)
  18. Atlanta Thrashers Pro Stock Kozlov Jeff Finger Pre-buyout Eagles Islanders Pro Stock Franchises Rob Blakes 2009-2010 Franchises
  19. Warrior might address the cuff issue very shorty when their customizer is updated.
  20. Yeah, the auctions got expensive pretty quick. But, I sold 4 pairs of gloves to make my budget for the auction..
  21. If you dont mind me asking where did you pick up the winter classic gear

  22. Thanks garret and steve!
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