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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Super duper tricky.Maybe you should read it again. O.o
  2. What part of my post did you not understand? I don't want to have a debate about arch support in s thread about the Bauer 2015 catalog.
  3. I skated in the insoles, albeit in a skate that didnt fit me very well at the Bauer Experience. Not sure if I would buy the speedplate over my CCM insoles, in fact I kind of doubt I will. I get pain in my arch without strong arch support in a skate, hence why I need aftermarket insoles. These are made to 'fit to you feet' according to the guy there, and I dont want something to fit exactly to my flat foot.
  4. Question... I just bought some 8 3/4 CAA's and they are marked T7 as well. Does that mean I have a size 7 toe cap on the size 8 3/4 skates?
  5. Thats not the definition of a defect. Im in 100% agreement with JSK81 here.
  6. One more question... Can anyone with direct experience compare how a retail Supreme D compares to a Vapor EA? Thanks.
  7. Haha so stock D supreme is an E/A, not an E/B? Why is the Vapor heel tighter than? Because the lasts are different?
  8. Thanks a bunch. For some reason I thought it was an A.
  9. Thanks JR. What about the fact the Vapor has a tighter heel? When going custom is an A Vapor heel still tighter than a Bauer A, because of the last they are made on? Or will both A's then be the same fit? Thanks I'm stock skates, a Vapor D is a real Bauer D width. A Supreme D is actually a Bauer E width.
  10. Id rather bump this than start a new thread... I have been doing a lot of reading, and still cant find the answer to this written in plain english: Is a custom Bauer Supreme D and 'True D', aka a Vapor D... or is a Supreme D, aka an E width? And so on, obviously... is a C a 'True C' or is a Supreme custom C actually a True D, aka a normal Vapor? Thanks.
  11. Kinda weird, you would expect it to have a composite outsole, no? Other than that, the Supreme skate lineup looks stronger to me this year than last year (to my untrained eye).
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