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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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0 Neutral


  • Skates
    inline:2009 ccm v04 ice:2008 ccm u+
  • Hockey Bag
    pink easton st12
  • Shin Pads
    ccm v04
  • Elbow Pads
    ccm v06
  • Shoulder Pads
    ccm v10
  • Pants
    inline: pink mission wicked 3's ice:ccm vo8
  • Helmet
    nike bauer 4500 with itech concept 2 cage
  • Gloves
    2009 reebok 6k
  • Stick
    reebok 7ksickkik 50 flex

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Working out and hockey

Contact Methods

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  • ICQ
  1. Patrick Kaleta is using his foundation HITS, to build an ice rink about 5 miles from my house. Should be up by next season. It will have a restaurant, ice surface, turf field, locker rooms and administrative office. In the summer the ice will be converted to a roller hockey surface (Im really hoping for some sportcourt :)) I can't wait!!
  2. How are the Brooklynites?
  3. Last year in Pee wees we had a 14 yr old reffing with a 17 yr old. terrible game
  4. I also had a "whiz out" and thought it was nothing special
  5. JR and I both happened to be in Philly on the same night so we hit up Pats and Ginos. Just to compare the two. My favorite cheese steak is from a local joint, it's better than both of them. Was in Genos this past summer. It was good but I wasn't blown away at all
  6. I hope you washed those before you wore 'em
  7. I have had a snow day the past three days. wed,thurs and today
  8. . I wonder if Gretz or Mario would have posted like this had the web been around for them. Doubtful. They would have been in awe of posts like these and would be shamed their #'s weren't up to snuff. Geez, I'm a kid let me be happy about something ok? I take out all of my stress in hockey can't I atleast be a little excited?
  9. In roller hockey,9 games played I have 26 goals and 19 assists. Also today is my second snow day in a row
  10. Good news in my AP integrated algebra class i got a 95 on a quiz, expecting my average to go up. I ask to see my average and its a 79. The minimum to stay in the class is 85%
  11. Nice cuff. How much longer than retail would you say?
  12. No idea, haven't even picked up the XBox controller in over a year
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