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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Being old sucks....

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I turn 29 on May 5th. I am tired of playing in just beer leagues and local pick-up. I miss the old days of Bantam and Midget hockey where I had to make a team and I played in tournaments.

Does anyone have any suggestions on competitive hockey that is "fun" for adults? I live in California.


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Beer leagues are the best you're gonna find at your age. Try searching out a stronger beer league if the one you're in isn't competitive enough.

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To continue the "old" theme...

I have a guy on my B-League (adult) team who is 74 years old! Now, you might be saying "No way can he compete!" but I GUARANTEE he would turn more than a few heads. Quite amazing really. He plays with guys literally less than half his age.

My hero. If I can still pull that at 74, I'm calling it a life well lived.

Oh, and on top of that...he founded the hockey organization in this town nearly 30 years ago! Cool guy.

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I turn 29 on May 5th. I am tired of playing in just beer leagues and local pick-up. I miss the old days of Bantam and Midget hockey where I had to make a team and I played in tournaments.

Does anyone have any suggestions on competitive hockey that is "fun" for adults? I live in California.


usually there are some high level leagues in a given area. The only downside is that there are usually a lot of guys who don't care if they kill you in those leagues.

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I would kill to find a league with a high skill level and guys who are there to have fun and not "make the NHL."

I am sick of the dead beat club guys I play with for sure.

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You really have to find the right league. I recently filled in for a friend's B league team. Better competition than the A league and a lot cleaner. It's a hike to get there and I don't have a lot of extra time, but I'm now a regular on the team since it's such a nice league.

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Most cities have at least on drop in group that is made up of "ex-players" you just have to ask around and get invited.

I'm 40 and play in a B1 league. The teams are all pretty even and anyone can win on any given night, so that's fun, but it is a little bit below where I'd really like to play.

There is a drop in group nearby of ex Div I players and retired AHL guys, and when I'm feeling really good about my game, I'll stop by there and try to keep up.

I could keep up with them 10-15 years ago, but age is catching up to me. Young kids that I used to be able to blow past are now blowing past me. Frustrating.

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i know of guys here in CO that go into the mountain towns on the weekends to play in tournaments. there must be some kind of tourney system out there. you can also play roller and travel to play in tournaments as well.

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Fletch what part of california? I play in valencia usually and while the loog is good some players think they are in the nhl and go out for blood it seems nearly every game. I play in a lower level andfrom what i heard the level abou ove is the same way but the uppermost level havent heard too much about in a bad way. It sucks when you want to play fun competitive hockey and have to worry about dumb a#@$s who think they are well on their way to the nhl

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I would kill to find a league with a high skill level and guys who are there to have fun and not "make the NHL."

Same here! Sometimes I don't think there is anything between the 1st timers and "want to make the NHLers"

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Most cities have at least on drop in group that is made up of "ex-players" you just have to ask around and get invited.

I'm 40 and play in a B1 league. The teams are all pretty even and anyone can win on any given night, so that's fun, but it is a little bit below where I'd really like to play.

There is a drop in group nearby of ex Div I players and retired AHL guys, and when I'm feeling really good about my game, I'll stop by there and try to keep up.

I could keep up with them 10-15 years ago, but age is catching up to me. Young kids that I used to be able to blow past are now blowing past me. Frustrating.

I hear you there for sure. I have lost my top gear though it comes back from time to time. Frustrating part I have nights when I have my legs like the good old days while others ... well not so much so.

I can still snipe but that is bound to go away as well.

Hell 36 and still skating. Note many of us for sure. Keep it going!

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Hell keep it up...until arthritis got me from Lymes disease, I was still competitive with the kids(13 - 24) in the travel leagues until age 50....both ice and inline....not in endurance, but when I was not winded...I could still outskate 90% of them....

Generally my impression is that the higher the level you play, the less BS there is....guys who have already "been there" having nothing left to prove, and are usually a lot more sensible in league play....It's the guys who never really made it to an elite level who still are trying to prove they should/could have....

Another thing to consider....there are some pretty good adult elite inline leagues....like PIHA, MLRH, XIHL (last two both full contact) in the NE US, and also in Cali....some pretty tough competiton...lot's of Pro Inline guys who are still active play in these leagues. Ex Nats. Team players etc.

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To continue the "old" theme...

I have a guy on my B-League (adult) team who is 74 years old! Now, you might be saying "No way can he compete!" but I GUARANTEE he would turn more than a few heads. Quite amazing really. He plays with guys literally less than half his age.

My hero. If I can still pull that at 74, I'm calling it a life well lived.

Oh, and on top of that...he founded the hockey organization in this town nearly 30 years ago! Cool guy.

My father played on my (beer league) hockey team until he was in his early 60's. Probably could have played on, but at that age, he got tired of the gawd awful late start times.

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Generally my impression is that the higher the level you play, the less BS there is....guys who have already "been there" having nothing left to prove, and are usually a lot more sensible in league play....It's the guys who never really made it to an elite level who still are trying to prove they should/could have....

That's really true. I've never ever seen an ex pro cheap shot or slew foot someone in drop in hockey.

Even in my B1 league, everyone knows each other since there are only 6 teams, so there's not that much hacking.

But I watch some of the B2 games and the C1 and C2 games and guys are really chippy. To me, nothing looks as pathetic as a stumble bum trying to give a cheap shot.

In drop in, I think guys who have played a million games in their life don't much care what the final score is, they just want to make some good plays and have a good competitive skate with guys of similar ability.

We all have to wake up and go to work or church the next day.

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I'm 46 and figure as long as their are guys older than me still playing in the beer leagues, I'm gonna keep going. I don't score too many goals but I contribute and I'm usually a plus player. I love killing penalties 'cause I get to skate! I've been really fortunate not to have any serious injuries and unless I do, I don't see quitting any time soon. As long as I can find a league where I can match up skill-wise and still have fun, there's no end in sight.

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