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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Otto

Save my garage!

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Does anyone have any suggestions to prevent my garage from certain and total destruction? My kid and I love to get out in the driveway with the hockey net and shoot some street pucks; however she's getting older and stronger and her wrister is pretty hard (although sometimes a bit wild).

She recently cracked some of the molding around one of the garage doors and shattered the glass in a light between the two doors. Has anyone ever rigged up anything like a backstop to protect your garage? Any recommendations?

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Just an idea. Get those water proof tarps for camping and hang it from your roof and if it is too short then use the tarp rings and tie it to some water filled drink bottles to weigh it down. It may not come all the way to the ground but tell her to aim high. :P

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Just an idea. Get those water proof tarps for camping and hang it from your roof and if it is too short then use the tarp rings and tie it to some water filled drink bottles to weigh it down. It may not come all the way to the ground but tell her to aim high. :P

That's what I used to work on my pitching. Works well. Also, when I played paintball, they used the same setup for the chrono stations.

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I bought a big backstop net last year on 1800faceoff.com and it works very well.

I've been wanting to get one of those for cheap. I can't find them on any website at all. Any help? How much was yours?

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When I had it set up in my room I just put a huge blanket up, it softened the blows. You can try that outside. Also if you can afford it, try a batting cage. You could rig up something that flips down over molding. We replaced my glass with plexi glass.

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A cheap way to do it would be to find a big rain tarp. I think someone else mentioned that a few posts ago. I hang it over my garage door and tie two weights to the bottom of it so it stays still, then put my net in front of it.

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lol one time i had a metal net out ther and i hit the outside of the post and it went thro my neighbors window i put my net away and ran inside but he kindof knew it was me cuz im the only one who playes ice hockey near us lol

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Wow, this thread brings back memories. I basically learned to play hockey in my grandparent's driveway 10-12 years ago, along with my neighbor who became a helluva goalie. First I used a small net that got bent up, then my grandpa and I built a 6x4 net out of PVC (still hanging in their garage by the way). I remember breaking out all 4 glass windows....they got replaced by plastic ones. After I stopped doing the driveway thing a couple years later, I figured that I owed him a good paintjob on the garage door. :lol:

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Yea I also suggest getting a tarp. I just go into my alley and shoot against my neighbors stone wall (Don't worry, I asked before I did it.)

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lol one time i had a metal net out ther and i hit the outside of the post and it went thro my neighbors window i put my net away and ran inside but he kindof knew it was me cuz im the only one who playes ice hockey near us lol

lol that happens to me alot too i just run inside and stay there for a while.

dont break the windows just hit them

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my garage has soo many dents from hockey balls. and last winter i was out shootin on the road (and it was dark) and i hit the crossbar and i new it went up first thing i heard was the sound of glass breaking lucky no on has in the room cuz class went every where. long stoy short my dad was pissed and i had to pay for the window.

now in my back yard my dad hung fishing net up in works really well. he put it up because i put a few shot thru my neighbours fence (was liek this thin wood shit. i cant put a shot thru 2x4's). lucky for me they where gettin a new one and i didnt have to pay for it.

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You should see my neghbors garage door...they dont have one :P ! they have been shooting at their garage for about eight years now and finally last summer the thing just fell down when they tried clossing it. I have a little to do with this but not as much as them because thay are twins and they shoot about three times a day and my other neighbor shoots with us as well so there is no use in putting another one back up.

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I actually have done a lot of research on this topic. By far the best thing: Go to home depot, buy a big piece of the cheapest carpet they have (like 10 foot by 15 foot size), nail or screw the long end to a 2X4, hang the 2X4 up horizontally but around 2 feet from the wall.

Kids can slapshot all day and 1)it will be pretty quiet since the carpet absorbs most of the sound, and 2) even Brett Hull can not hit a shot so hard that the carpet will move back and hit the back wall. and 3) there are no deadly rebounds.

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