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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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06 mission line

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the dream combination is Wicked Lights and Revision Platinums..............enough said.

Mission....you seem to be working with RR and Hyper....what about Revision Platinums........my boys use them and love them !!!

And they are durable also...no blowing out chunks of rubber in the middle of games...They are playing AAA and have been for long time....I have boxes of old wheels that every suppliers says performans and last a long time......yeah right.....I think this wheel deal is th razor and razor blade deal.....what we need is some wheel supplier to come to the rescue with a looooong lasting wheel but performs.....

I am sure some wheel suppliers are going to chime in here and say that a "customer" request like that is a aximoron (I am pretty sure I did not spell that right) in others words cant have a long lasting wheel made of urethane rubber that is used in a high friction coarse surfce......

But I wonder how many parents would pay $20 a wheel for ones that lasted a year with average use being 3-5 hours per week??? I would simply for the hassle of not having to take the time to buy them and then the players changing them...

There is always alot of talk about wheels...but you gotta have the bearing right to perform also....they need to be fast, and dirt resitant....in otherwords sealed......there must be some out there that can take 3-5 hours per week and dont need to be cleaned for along period.....yes dirt, plastic residue from the rink and out side rink will be picked up by the skate....and of course you "should" not wear them into any water.....rust of course. Most important but probably most ignored part of the skate once it gets into the user hands....no one likes to pull bearings and clean them.....


Any wheel supplier want to make a comment on the best performing bearing for Elite play at least ABEC 5 and above I would think.


Also, in reality can thier really be any difference in performance of an ABEC 5 and above bearing....the 7 and 8s are very pricey and the bearing dimensional tolerances when building them true to perfect round are the only engineering specifications that are different between them. And in the manufacturing world, that difference and cost comes about thru a long time to inspect, sort and approve the higher tolerance bearing, which takes more time and cost, and lower production yields.


What are the real current benefits between Ceramic and Titanium or other high end metal bearings...?????

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There is a line between performance and durability. Keep in mind companies are in it to make money - it's all about the repeat business.

Not only that, a company gets a lot of lower end sales based on how cool the top model is. For example, Bauer has the Vapor XX and now the Vapor XXX sticks yet they sell a lot more Vapor V's. The same holds true with skates. The cooler your flagship model of skate is, the better your sales of mid-line skates.

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I should've quoted him. I was referring to his comment about a long lasting wheel that performs.

I know, just adding another angle to the discussion.

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Is there anything you can tell us about the lower end skates? Any images of the lower end skates? The top of the line skates look nice and sound good and all, but chances are the cost of those skates are way out of my league. In addition, it's not like I play in a league. I play most of my roller hockey at night in an empty parking lot with a nice smooth tar surface. So what kind of skate does Mission have to offer to the outdoor player?

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They look good. The black skates are the 3rd highest boot? So it's:

1- White and Charcoal boot

2-White and Black

3-All Black

Am I right, or did I miss something?

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They look good. The black skates are the 3rd highest boot? So it's:

1- White and Charcoal boot

2-White and Black

3-All Black

Am I right, or did I miss something?

All black is the 3rd highest, but your second highest isn't correct

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Any pics of the 2nd? How does the weight differ from the 7500 (black) to the 10000 (white and grey)? I am really digging those blackones but maybe the 2nd highest will hange my mind ;)

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Just curious, the top model Mission Quatro skate is the 10000, and the third rank skate is 7500, can I assume the following then:

1. Mission Quatro 10000 (White/Charcoal)

2. Mission Quatro 8750

3. Mission Quatro 7500 (Black)

4. Mission Quatro 6250

Also, are there more than four models of the Quatro, since the Helium line had six models. If so, would that mean that the fifth and sixth model would be Mission Quatro 5000 and Mission Quatro 3750?

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2nd Highest is the 9500. Almost all Charcoal/Grey. VERY sweet. And much stiffer than any other MIssion skates...which I really like. Tougher to break in but Oh, so worth it!


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9500 is by far the stiffest mission skate I have ever skated on...AMAZING...I wish it had the MG chassis, but you cant always have your cake and eat it too. Im skating on the 9500's with gripper milleniums and swiss bearings, and the grip and feel of that combo is the best feeling skate I have ever played on.

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