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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Fights

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i like it when two Stars go at it like perry and richards

Im with ya; I was lovin it when Lecavalier and Iginla went at it (fought) in the playoffs last year.

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yeah that was really bad...what was the other suckerpunch they showed along the glass...was the victim Sandy McCarthy when he was on the Bruins?

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anybody watch the ''Using a hockey stick as a deadly weapon'' the guy that does that is pretty sick(almost as bad as bert)

What Bertuzzi did was not that bad, you see it all the time in hockey.... he was just trying to start a brawl and I highly doubt he was going for the career ending punch. So yes, the results were horrible but in my opinion it(the attack) wasn't all that bad. I don't want this to start a debate, I just want people to think before they talk.

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anybody watch the ''Using a hockey stick as a deadly weapon'' the guy that does that is pretty sick(almost as bad as bert)

What Bertuzzi did was not that bad, you see it all the time in hockey.... he was just trying to start a brawl and I highly doubt he was going for the career ending punch. So yes, the results were horrible but in my opinion it(the attack) wasn't all that bad. I don't want this to start a debate, I just want people to think before they talk.

Oh yeah, we need to bring this up again. There is no way you or I know exactly what he was thinking and all we can do guess. The only facts are that he said he was going to get Moore then went out and suckerpunched him from behind.

Intent or not, the action was dangerous. If he is unable to grasp how dangerous his actions are, it's even more frightening. To not have the mental capacity to understand what he was doing could cause injury is probably more frightening to me than if he intended to hurt Moore.

I do love it when people say they don't want to start an arguement, they just want to have their say.

I guess I better close this one before it devolves like every other time someone brings up the whole Bertuzzi thing.

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