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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cage Color Question

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i played a kid with a gold jofa cage, and i leveled him :D

honestly, the only time i find cage colour to be of consequence is when i'm working along the boards, if there's a scramble in front of the net or the puck gets caught in my feet. it helps to know what's puck and what's cage.

i had this problem with black laces on my jersey, since i kept getting distracted by the laces flashing in my eyes, so i just took them out

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I've had a black cage for about 2 years now, I just dont really even think about it, I just play.... so I cant really say if theres a difference because I cant seem to notice one.

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whats the difference between the Bauer chrome and titanium cages?

Titanium is the dull greyish-silver metal finish...

Chrome is the shiney-silver metal finish.

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Most of my team has switched to Itech's i2 (white inside/black outside) cage.

It's the same reasoning behind the NHL hockey rinks switching from Black protective meshing to white. It's definately easier to see through while reducing glare.

I was told that the only reason the "grey" cages where made was because they were much cheaper to manufacture then a two colour (white/black) cage. They knew that black is hard to see through and white just doesn't look cool (on the outside) and reflects light (like the chrome), so they went half way in between - grey. Cheap and easier to see through then the black.

Chrome is ok, but a lot of NHL goalies scrape the chrome off the inside.

There is really no debate on what the colour of cage should be. At short focal distances, the white on inside plays a huge advantage. At long focal distances, like looking down the ice, black does not seem to be too noticable because your focusing so far away.

The black on the outside absorbs glare for the same reasoning football players put black paint under their eyes. So, the choice is obvious. If you want the best, the Itech i2 is the cage but grey and chrome are ok as well. Black is definately out.

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ive been with a chrome itech for like 4 years and is pretty good, im thinking of swithcing to an itech glass sheild

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?) nor white because you don't want the illusion of confusing what's the ice and what are the bars.

Is that what you want? because then it would create the illusion that there is nothing there.

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i use the bauer titamium true vision cage. its pretty nice but they rust really eazy. and dent!!!! i got a snapshot right in teh middle and it now has a flat spot!

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Fonya: Yeah, no kidding, that statement confused me as well.

Solid black cages are ridiculous, grey and chrome are OK, white/black (itech's i2) is the best of both worlds. I'm amazed that there is even a debate on the issue. It's pretty obvious.

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