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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Website

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I think it is the height of embarrasment that the Graf Canada website has been down for over a week. This company is losing credibility fast

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There website wasn't really good to begin with in my opinion. I can't understand why I would go there really for information. Considering their skates fit differently and most Graf LHS has info posted everywhere, I'd rather try them on, find what fits and look at it from there. I rarely use company websites because they are all biased, as they should be. I'd rather have them work on their product without a website, than spend the money to fix it and loose focus on their product. I think alot of people have jumped on this anti-graf boat, for little to no reason. We've had a handful of bad experiences on ths board, and I believe 1-2 people had bad CS problems. Its not terrible considering how good their product has been for so long. I don't think they are handling themselves as poorly as some other companies either, but they've always been at the top for quality by a long shot, and now they aren't AS high, but still up there, so they are getting jumped on. Its one thing to jump on them because you've personally had a bad experience, its anothere to jump on them because you've heard they are having troublen and their website is down.

Every company has problems, and I like Mission, but not everyone can be expected to have that kind've QC, and ontop of that, It allows them to put out a lesser product and get away with it because people can get any first run errors fixed. I'm not saying they intentionally do this, nor am I "knocking them" because I do like a fair bit of Mission products and they way they conduct themselves. I just don't see why certain companies are alotted more chances than others.

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Someone (who owns a Sporting Goods place in town) was telling me the other day that Graf is close to being bought out. Could that have something to do with the site being down?

I can't remember who he said was interested, but he did say they only wanted the product line, and that none of the Graf Management types were to be kept.

Any truth? Anyone?

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There website wasn't really good to begin with in my opinion. I can't understand why I would go there really for information. Considering their skates fit differently and most Graf LHS has info posted everywhere, I'd rather try them on, find what fits and look at it from there. I rarely use company websites because they are all biased, as they should be. I'd rather have them work on their product without a website, than spend the money to fix it and loose focus on their product. I think alot of people have jumped on this anti-graf boat, for little to no reason. We've had a handful of bad experiences on ths board, and I believe 1-2 people had bad CS problems. Its not terrible considering how good their product has been for so long. I don't think they are handling themselves as poorly as some other companies either, but they've always been at the top for quality by a long shot, and now they aren't AS high, but still up there, so they are getting jumped on. Its one thing to jump on them because you've personally had a bad experience, its anothere to jump on them because you've heard they are having troublen and their website is down.

Every company has problems, and I like Mission, but not everyone can be expected to have that kind've QC, and ontop of that, It allows them to put out a lesser product and get away with it because people can get any first run errors fixed. I'm not saying they intentionally do this, nor am I "knocking them" because I do like a fair bit of Mission products and they way they conduct themselves. I just don't see why certain companies are alotted more chances than others.


If we had the bow down smily like they do on Hfboards, I would use it for your post Eazy. My 735's have been nothing but money, and I will probably be sticking with Graf for a little while, which is usually non-existant with me and skate companies.

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IS the website being down a big deal? Probably not, but it is part of a pattern of behavior (like not attending the trade shows) that shows indifference, if not pure arrogance, toward the consumer. Ford and GM had that attitude in the early 70's and the next thing you know people are driving Toyotas and Hondas.

There is no reason for a website to be down for over a week. At the very worst, you could load a home page that says under construction. This is simply bad management and a subtle sign that the company is starting to slip.

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Sometimes a website being down does not really mean that company is bad. Maybe some of the hardware in their server broke and they are awaiting somebody to fix it or awating new parts.

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graf canada has been purchased by an investment group in toronto.

That happened last year though.

Borealis Group, I believe.

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graf canada has been purchased by an investment group in toronto.

That happened last year though.

Borealis Group, I believe.

The plastic company?

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I absolutely hate my 735s actually ,they hurt so bad and ive had to suffer every ice time this year ,im going to end up with vapor 30's i think, I loved my 502's though.

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IS the website being down a big deal? Probably not, but it is part of a pattern of behavior (like not attending the trade shows) that shows indifference, if not pure arrogance, toward the consumer.

That's not entirely accurate.

Graf is in a partnership with T-Blade and CCM to oversee the T-Blade program in North America, so Graf had two or three people assisting T-Blade at their booth in Las Vegas, including a VP of Sales (I think. I can't find the gentleman's card). I don't know whether Graf helped T-Blade at Toronto, or CCM did, since they are closer geographically.

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IS the website being down a big deal? Probably not, but it is part of a pattern of behavior (like not attending the trade shows) that shows indifference, if not pure arrogance, toward the consumer.

That's not entirely accurate.

Graf is in a partnership with T-Blade and CCM to oversee the T-Blade program in North America, so Graf had two or three people assisting T-Blade at their booth in Las Vegas, including a VP of Sales (I think. I can't find the gentleman's card). I don't know whether Graf helped T-Blade at Toronto, or CCM did, since they are closer geographically.

I also heard they were showing products to select dealers and groups in their suite in Vegas.

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