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Bright Eyes: American Idiots

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Support our troops no matter what. Your viewpoint on Bush and the war ... thats up to you.

No matter what? Well what about the prisoner abuse scandal?

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So they put a couple on leashes and made one dress up like some morbid Christmas tree. At least they're not beheading people on TV.

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Support our troops no matter what.  Your viewpoint on Bush and the war ... thats up to you.

No matter what? Well what about the prisoner abuse scandal?

I meant overall. That is obviously over the top.

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i dont care about the prisoner abuse scandal because no matter what its not as bad as beheading someone, car bombings, or flying airplanes into buildings. and also the new iraqi prime mini. doesnt want to execute sadam? WTF take him down to texas and do er up

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So they put a couple on leashes and made one dress up like some morbid Christmas tree. At least they're not beheading people on TV.

At least we're not _fill in the blank_ am I the only one that is a little scared by that approach of deflecting the situation? I don't think anyone is suggesting that the Iraqis had a safe and sound existance before the US led invasion... but honestly how are the people supposed to take the democracy that was handed to them by the US seriously when in the name of all that is good, some are subjected to unexcuessable actions such as those? Your right at least we did not kill everything that moved and then drag the bodies through the streets... but should we really be patting ourselfs on the back for not doing worse things?

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i dont care about the prisoner abuse scandal because no matter what its not as bad as beheading someone, car bombings, or flying airplanes into buildings. and also the new iraqi prime mini. doesnt want to execute sadam? WTF take him down to texas and do er up

Yea shoot now and ask questions later!! Democracy inaction...

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I'm going to start a donation for you to get a sarcasm detector. There's some truth behind what I said though, in the sense that why bother trying to right what is a known warring and violent region? Let them play on their own hemisphere and worry about it coming into ours.

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Thanks man those things are so damn expensive!! Can't even find a deal on e-bay... harsh times <_<

The only other point I have is that if the US is gonna play world police then I can think of at least three other countries that could benifit from US involvement.

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Exactly, they're self-appointed Sheriff of the world it seems. Hell, they started to stick their nose into disbanding the IRA for chrissakes.

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Let them play on their own hemisphere and worry about it coming into ours.

Which leads into that.

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Frankly, it has to be done. Who else is going to do it?

I rather intervene in their land and do something about arising world problems rather then wait until they fly airplanes into us again.

The problem with leaving alone countries like that was seen already. It was devestating. And as a baby sitter, other countries hate us, but tough shit.

So put resources in where they belong. Iraq????

We disagree again Theo. The streak continues!

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These liberal teachers are killing this country...And others.

Anyways, To compare it to Hitler is a bit crazy. For the previous 12 years we had warned Saddam to surrender any harmful substances and WMD's we (thought) they had. Then you keep in mind that he was a tyrant who treated his people horribly and killed Children and women regularly. Honestly, in my mind that is reason alone to stop him. And of couse he housed terrosist and terrorist networks. That should be reason alone to get rid of both of them. Especially after 9-11. The last thing we need is for terrorists to be able to group and have a safehouse in a country that is controlled by a nutcase.

It is great that Iraq has undergone this transformation. Maybe I missed some points or am not clear with some that I marked up there. Just looking at the situation from afar, that is what I came up with.

Thats what the United Nations is for, peaceful intervention in situations where people are constantly being opressed. It's funny though, in my opinion, what Sadam did to his people was nothing less of what is happening in North Korea, but that is not as known for obvious reasons? Did the U.S intervene during the atrocities faced in Rwanda? N-O, in fact U.S lobbied the U.N to withdraw their forces. Iraq only has one difference then these two countries....OIL.

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These liberal teachers are killing this country...And others.

Anyways, To compare it to Hitler is a bit crazy.  For the previous 12 years we had warned Saddam to surrender any harmful substances and WMD's we (thought) they had.  Then you keep in mind that he was a tyrant who treated his people horribly and killed Children and women regularly.  Honestly, in my mind that is reason alone to stop him. And of couse he housed terrosist and terrorist networks.  That should be reason alone to get rid of both of them.  Especially after 9-11.  The last thing we need is for terrorists to be able to group and have a safehouse in a country that is controlled by a nutcase.

It is great that Iraq has undergone this transformation.  Maybe I missed some points or am not clear with some that I marked up there.  Just looking at the situation from afar, that is what I came up with.

Thats what the United Nations is for, peaceful intervention in situations where people are constantly being opressed. It's funny though, in my opinion, what Sadam did to his people was nothing less of what is happening in North Korea, but that is not as known for obvious reasons? Did the U.S intervene during the atrocities faced in Rwanda? N-O, in fact U.S lobbied the U.N to withdraw their forces. Iraq only has one difference then these two countries....OIL.

And what exactly did the UN do in Rwanda? The US not getting involved in Rwanda is complete bullshit. Clinton and his staff purposely did not refer to Rwanda as a "genocide" because by calling it that, they would be obligated under the UN Genocide convention pact to help intervene. The UN had people in place in Rwanda who were specifically instructed not to act. They were warned time and time again by their own people that the Hutus were having a mass number of machetes shipped to them from China for the specific purpose to slaughter the Tutsis, but the UN allowed it to happen. Don't act like the UN is this great peace-keeping organization, because it is just as, if not more corrupt than any government in the world.

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These liberal teachers are killing this country...And others.

Anyways, To compare it to Hitler is a bit crazy.  For the previous 12 years we had warned Saddam to surrender any harmful substances and WMD's we (thought) they had.  Then you keep in mind that he was a tyrant who treated his people horribly and killed Children and women regularly.  Honestly, in my mind that is reason alone to stop him. And of couse he housed terrosist and terrorist networks.  That should be reason alone to get rid of both of them.  Especially after 9-11.  The last thing we need is for terrorists to be able to group and have a safehouse in a country that is controlled by a nutcase.

It is great that Iraq has undergone this transformation.  Maybe I missed some points or am not clear with some that I marked up there.  Just looking at the situation from afar, that is what I came up with.

Thats what the United Nations is for, peaceful intervention in situations where people are constantly being opressed. It's funny though, in my opinion, what Sadam did to his people was nothing less of what is happening in North Korea, but that is not as known for obvious reasons? Did the U.S intervene during the atrocities faced in Rwanda? N-O, in fact U.S lobbied the U.N to withdraw their forces. Iraq only has one difference then these two countries....OIL.

And that whole them having WMD's and the terrorist thing...? Although they might not have had WMD's

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These liberal teachers are killing this country...And others.

Anyways, To compare it to Hitler is a bit crazy.  For the previous 12 years we had warned Saddam to surrender any harmful substances and WMD's we (thought) they had.  Then you keep in mind that he was a tyrant who treated his people horribly and killed Children and women regularly.  Honestly, in my mind that is reason alone to stop him. And of couse he housed terrosist and terrorist networks.  That should be reason alone to get rid of both of them.  Especially after 9-11.  The last thing we need is for terrorists to be able to group and have a safehouse in a country that is controlled by a nutcase.

It is great that Iraq has undergone this transformation.  Maybe I missed some points or am not clear with some that I marked up there.  Just looking at the situation from afar, that is what I came up with.

Thats what the United Nations is for, peaceful intervention in situations where people are constantly being opressed. It's funny though, in my opinion, what Sadam did to his people was nothing less of what is happening in North Korea, but that is not as known for obvious reasons? Did the U.S intervene during the atrocities faced in Rwanda? N-O, in fact U.S lobbied the U.N to withdraw their forces. Iraq only has one difference then these two countries....OIL.

I agree that Rawanda should have been a situation where the US or UN should have become involved. I don't think anyone will dispute that.

The UN appointed oil for food program manager was taking bribes to look the other way, not really a good sign. Add to that the fact France and Germany wanted to shoot down any new resolution as they were afraid people would figure out they had been violating the trade embargo for years and had been providing equipment and technology to Iraq.

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These liberal teachers are killing this country...And others.

Anyways, To compare it to Hitler is a bit crazy.  For the previous 12 years we had warned Saddam to surrender any harmful substances and WMD's we (thought) they had.  Then you keep in mind that he was a tyrant who treated his people horribly and killed Children and women regularly.  Honestly, in my mind that is reason alone to stop him. And of couse he housed terrosist and terrorist networks.  That should be reason alone to get rid of both of them.  Especially after 9-11.  The last thing we need is for terrorists to be able to group and have a safehouse in a country that is controlled by a nutcase.

It is great that Iraq has undergone this transformation.  Maybe I missed some points or am not clear with some that I marked up there.  Just looking at the situation from afar, that is what I came up with.

Thats what the United Nations is for, peaceful intervention in situations where people are constantly being opressed. It's funny though, in my opinion, what Sadam did to his people was nothing less of what is happening in North Korea, but that is not as known for obvious reasons? Did the U.S intervene during the atrocities faced in Rwanda? N-O, in fact U.S lobbied the U.N to withdraw their forces. Iraq only has one difference then these two countries....OIL.

I agree that Rawanda should have been a situation where the US or UN should have become involved. I don't think anyone will dispute that.

The UN appointed oil for food program manager was taking bribes to look the other way, not really a good sign. Add to that the fact France and Germany wanted to shoot down any new resolution as they were afraid people would figure out they had been violating the trade embargo for years and had been providing equipment and technology to Iraq.

Not to mention that France, southern France in particular, has a large and rapidly increasing Muslim population, and supporting or involving themselves in a war against a Muslim nation would create huge internal turmoil and conflict.

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Wow. Heaven forbid someon have a differing opinion then the jackass that started this topic. Funny, I remember seeing Oberst when he was like 15 or something in a band called Commander Venus. A couple guys went off and formed Cursive and Oberst did the Bright Eyes thing. I always thought Cursive was A LOT better.

I say this suckers locked at 11 pages. Anyone care to put a fiver on it?

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Wow. Heaven forbid someon have a differing opinion then the jackass that started this topic. Funny, I remember seeing Oberst when he was like 15 or something in a band called Commander Venus. A couple guys went off and formed Cursive and Oberst did the Bright Eyes thing. I always thought Cursive was A LOT better.

I say this suckers locked at 11 pages. Anyone care to put a fiver on it?

I'll take the under. ;)

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Wow. Heaven forbid someon have a differing opinion then the jackass that started this topic. Funny, I remember seeing Oberst when he was like 15 or something in a band called Commander Venus. A couple guys went off and formed Cursive and Oberst did the Bright Eyes thing. I always thought Cursive was A LOT better.

I say this suckers locked at 11 pages. Anyone care to put a fiver on it?

After they did the demo of "Art is Hard" (my favorite song to date), everything went downhill.

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I hate Bright Eyes, but I love System of a Down. Their political views are totally opposite of mine, but at least they do their homework. Everything they say is true, however the context in which some of their info is gathered is a little simplistic, but at least they report the truth. But if they were only Republicans, I wouldn't feel so dirty when I listened to them.

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Wow, after reading all 6 pages, I must say that this was the most useless way to start an arguement I have ever witnessed in my life. On one side we got the "lets go drink a beer at the nascar race, and bomb more countries unjustifed" and the otehr side "hippies".

I can honestly say I am somewhere in the middle of this. I did agree with the USA bombing the holy fuck out of Afghanistan (sp?). However, since Iraq did not touch US soil, I did not agree that they should have invaded that. you will probably respond with, a "We are protecting the world" type response to the Go To Iraq thing. Well stop trying to put your fucking influences on the entire world. Americans have come up to me before asking me why do so many countries/people hate America? My response is because they have a dipshit president, who likes to "police the world". I have had many many American friends, whom I would trust with my life. But I must say that America is one of the most politically insane countries in the world (though I cant go much farther being as my government screwed us over with the sponsership scandal). Bring back Bill god dammit! Clinton was the best thing to ever happen.

Sorry if I have offended anyone in my statement, it was unintentional if you were, i am just giving my 2 cents on the issue.

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