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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Glove

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I know gloves are usually a pp BUT i have gone through 4 pairs this season. I had a pair of muskokas in the beginning from last year, that wore out in five months. Then i got a pair of eagles that wore out in three months, then another pair of Muskokas, which wore out in a month, I now have oakleys which has a small hole, about a centimeter long in it, afterr maybe 3 weeks. Im really sick of goign through gloves so quick. Is anyone else having this trouble? Also how do the Bauer Vapor XX's hold up because a lot of guys on my team have them and really like them but i don't know how long they hold up?

Thanks in advanced, Shorty3

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Where do you buy your sandpaper hockey sticks from? ;)

BTW: I have a pair of the Vapor 10's from 1 1/2 years ago when it was the top of the line and they have held up great. They are super crusty when they dry out, but great.

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Is it just the palms that are wearing out on you? If so, why not just get them repalmed. Goatskin is pretty durable.

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Sounds like you put the butt end in your palm and that's what is wearing them out. It used to happen to me all the time.

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so what can i do to prevent that?, and what do you mean by putting my buttend into my palm?

The end of the stick is rubbing and creating friction that causes the hole. Either change the way you hold the stick or use better palms.

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I would stop using tape and change to a taci-mac grip. The glues from tape eats away in addition to cause the friction wear. If you must use tape, then use powerflex.

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i also suggest a cloth like tape so the stick doesnt slide around. do you have airholes where the hole is? on my grafs theres an air hole right wher ei hold the sitck and there was a hole there in a few weeks

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I would stop using tape and change to a taci-mac grip. The glues from tape eats away in addition to cause the friction wear. If you must use tape, then use powerflex.

Powerflex usually does more damage than plain white tape.

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switch to electrical tape on the butt end of you stick...won't create near as much friction and keep your palms in mint condition for a while

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switch to electrical tape on the butt end of you stick...won't create near as much friction and keep your palms in mint condition for a while

I find it's a bit too slick with electrical tape. You never really get a good grip on the handle.

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I would stop using tape and change to a taci-mac grip.  The glues from tape eats away in addition to cause the friction wear.  If you must use tape, then use powerflex.

Powerflex usually does more damage than plain white tape.

I wouldn't say that, the PF is very soft and hardly any glue. It doesn't "roll" like cloth tape. When cloth tape rolls, it exposes the glue.

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I would stop using tape and change to a taci-mac grip.  The glues from tape eats away in addition to cause the friction wear.  If you must use tape, then use powerflex.

Powerflex usually does more damage than plain white tape.

I wouldn't say that, the PF is very soft and hardly any glue. It doesn't "roll" like cloth tape. When cloth tape rolls, it exposes the glue.

The newer powerflex isn't as bad as the older stuff but it's still adds a lot of friction. It does way more damage than plain white tape on my gloves. I never have problems with the tape rolling and I have a little hang over the end that I press down to round off the edges. Really cuts down on the palm damage.

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what is Taci-mac, and where can I get it? I hold my stick with my knob in my hand, and don't plan on changing it, so it would be greatly appreciated for some suggestions on how to fix it.

In addition, I have found "powerplugs" on epuck and 1800 faceoff, but they're all lefty or jr.'s. Does anyone know where you can find the bent butt ends for a senior righty?

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i would say that his problem isnt really his gloves - but that the butt end of the stick is making a hole in his gloves

i constantly have that problem and the only way to fix it is put some tape on the sharp corners of the butt end - that is why it is ripping holes in your gloves..

the more you can cover the sharp corners with tape and smooth it out - the lnger your gloves will last

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