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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody notice that like half the people the in the London Ottawa ohl final use lidstom patterns, or a pattern really similar to it? Its strange to me because out of all the people ive played with, its probably the least popular curve

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I would have to say i'm probably one of the only ones in my area know loves the lidstrom pattern. The most popular is probably a modano,sakic or Mark Reachie(ccm)didn't spell it right

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Anybody notice that like half the people the in the London Ottawa ohl final use lidstom patterns, or a pattern really similar to it? Its strange to me because out of all the people ive played with, its probably the least popular curve

Yea, a lot of players in the O use that pattern. Also a lot of Bantam players in GTHL use them as well, whereas in the West I've found a lot less people use them.

off topic . what kind of curve does corry perry use?

He uses a small toe, look at Gettyimages and you will see the type he uses.

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How do you notice that it is Lidstrom which they are using? Blade profile or curve? because it's hard to judge the curve on TV even if it's from a close angle.

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I was at one of the Windsor Spitfire/London Knights series game, and I believe it was Rob Schremp who had a visible SL with a Lidstrom. I know it was one of their LH forwards, and I am pretty sure it was Schremp.

**The Lidstrom is pretty easy to spot. Especially if you've ever used one for any period of time**

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I was at one of the Windsor Spitfire/London Knights series game, and I believe it was Rob Schremp who had a visible SL with a Lidstrom. I know it was one of their LH forwards, and I am pretty sure it was Schremp.

Schremp uses a retail Lidstrom pattern.

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mancari uses one on his ccm (lecavalier), staubitz, reid, and basically all the 67s D use reatil lidstrom..i noticed tons on london too

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Lecavlier is popular in the ushl, The only guy from oklahoma to make a higher league uses that curve.

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I was at one of the Windsor Spitfire/London Knights series game, and I believe it was Rob Schremp who had a visible SL with a Lidstrom. I know it was one of their LH forwards, and I am pretty sure it was Schremp.

Schremp uses a retail Lidstrom pattern.

I remember hearing he does, too.

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I was at one of the Windsor Spitfire/London Knights series game, and I believe it was Rob Schremp who had a visible SL with a Lidstrom. I know it was one of their LH forwards, and I am pretty sure it was Schremp.

Schremp uses a retail Lidstrom pattern.

I remember hearing he does, too.

he does for sure, he uses an 85 flex

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"People who use Lidstrom are people who suck". Highly unlikely. Lidstrom is a good pattern . . . it's all personal preference.

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"People who use Lidstrom are people who suck" thats an unfair comment to the people who use one. i for one cannot use the lidstrom pattern, because i cant get used to the loft it has which makes my shots take off to some unknown planet. i applaud the people who are able to use such "twisted" curves such as the Drury and Lidstrom-ish patterns.

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easier for d to use a lidstrom i think because u can pick the puck off the boards easier with a square toe

that is true but it is sooo bad for shots from the point, the puck hits a forward in the head just about every shot with me. The only person that could use it is Lidstrom because he can acually hit the corners.

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I used to be able to snipe the corners with my Lidstrom but I switched to an Iggy afterwards and now my shots just flutter with the Lidstroms.It was hard to be able to snipe it with the Lidstroms but after a bit you get better at it.

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everyone i have known to use to lidstrom are people who suck and just want to lift the puck as easily as possible. with exception to one very good player

That satement is totally unfair. I use the Lidstrom pattern and i can fire a rocket with it.

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