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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK flexes

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rough estimate, take rbk times 2 plus 10

40 x 2 = 80 + 10 = 90ish

Actually, since the scale The Hockey Company uses is rated in kilograms and the Easton scale is rated in pounds the conversion would be:

2.204 x 40 = 88.16

While the result is pretty close to what you came up with the random 10 in the equation could throw some people.

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rough estimate, take rbk times 2 plus 10

40 x 2 = 80 + 10 = 90ish

Actually, since the scale The Hockey Company uses is rated in kilograms and the Easton scale is rated in pounds the conversion would be:

2.204 x 40 = 88.16

While the result is pretty close to what you came up with the random 10 in the equation could throw some people.

so are you saying to use a 75 flex you should way 150??

if so holly shit i'm 115-120 and thats what i use

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rough estimate, take rbk times 2 plus 10

40 x 2 = 80 + 10 = 90ish

Actually, since the scale The Hockey Company uses is rated in kilograms and the Easton scale is rated in pounds the conversion would be:

2.204 x 40 = 88.16

While the result is pretty close to what you came up with the random 10 in the equation could throw some people.

so are you saying to use a 75 flex you should way 150??

if so holly shit i'm 115-120 and thats what i use

There's nothing about a players weight in there at all. It's the equation used to get CCM/RBK/Koho AKA THC (The Hockey Company) flexes in Easton terms.

--> I also searched for this a little while ago and got alot of responses when I searched "40KP"

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Here are the flexes for our RBK and CCM sticks.

As you can see there is no exact formula for the conversion.

50KP/X-stiff = roughly 125 pro flex

45KP/Stiff = roughly 110

40KP/Regular = roughly 100

35KP/Mid = roughly 85

30KP/Light = even softer flex

20KP/Junior = junior flex

(KP is the force required in newtons per meter squared to bend the shaft 1". The higher the number the more force required to bend the stick.)

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(KP is the force required in newtons per meter squared to bend the shaft 1". The higher the number the more force required to bend the stick.)

Is that bending at the blade end or in the middle?

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