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Russia Vs. Canada

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McGuire is ridiculous. I don't normally mind him, but honestly. Same with Healy. He's bitching at the Russian's for not finishing a check, he's bitching at Yashin for shooting off the rush. I bet if he didn't shoot off of that chance they would be yelling to take the puck off of him because he's going to try and dangle. There is no pleasing these guys. And as for McGuire, how much more of an idiot could you be, he screams about line changes the whole game instead of commentating. Maybe that's his job at TSN but I find it completely replaceable. Throw Brian Burke, Chris Cuthbert, Ronny Maclean in there any day instead of the dynamic duo of Gord Miller and Pierre McGuire.

Ah hell, at least they televise the games..

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ust tripped a guy on a breakaway... it's not a good defensive play!

that is a good defensive play. thats a good penalty to take

It's a good play to make if you're out of position, it shows you got beat though.

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I wouldn't say Sokolov was awful, think of the goals. Heatley, Jovo and Sourrays goals were all no chance goals. Reddens was a good play as well. The only real mistake he made was on the dissallowed goal.

Yeah, I agree, the 4 goals Canada scores were tough saves to make.

But I mean, Brodeur won the game and Sokolov was acceptable.

I think, this morning, the russian were the best team...

Two great hockey game tomorrow. I pick the Russian and the Czech for the 2 games. But Canada always seem to find a way to win.

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McGuire is ridiculous. I don't normally mind him, but honestly. Same with Healy. He's bitching at the Russian's for not finishing a check, he's bitching at Yashin for shooting off the rush. I bet if he didn't shoot off of that chance they would be yelling to take the puck off of him because he's going to try and dangle. There is no pleasing these guys.

lol, :lol: , the french analyst Yvon Pedneault is also always bithcing at Yashin for the same reason. just too funny.

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There's so many things wrong with Yashin's game and attitude you can hardly blame him. As for Rebeiro I watch about 30-35 Hab games a year and prior to his diving incident his attitude wasn't great but not awful. It wouldn't have hurt Canada to pick him I mean I dont think Mike Fisher is doing a whole lot

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I'd be willing to bet that there would have been at least 10-20 guys considered before Ribeiro.

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didnt want to start a new thread..

for those that seen the other semi game did anyone seen Jagr take that slapshot off the head? I thoguht he was going to be done but he stayed in the game and played good.

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I'd be willing to bet that there would have been at least 10-20 guys considered before Ribeiro.

I hope you are being sarcastic. Adam91 is right.

By the way, The dissallowed goal was good IMO.

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I'd be willing to bet that there would have been at least 10-20 guys considered before Ribeiro.

I hope you are being sarcastic. Adam91 is right.

By the way, The dissallowed goal was good IMO.

Well, let's see:



St Louis







All had more points

Briere had a similar number

Bertuzzi had fewer but also played fewer games and had a better point per game average.

That's 11 off the top of my head and it would depend on what role I expected him to play. There are a lot of other guys I would pick ahead of him if I needed a guy to play a defensive role as well.

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I'd be willing to bet that there would have been at least 10-20 guys considered before Ribeiro.

I agree, I honestly dont think he is all that good of a player. IMO

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Ok, so if we look at the points, Marleau, Draper and Morrison should be after Ribeiro since he finished before all of them in stats. Those 3 are center, he is, so he should have been 2 center if we look AT THE POINTS.

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Ok, so if we look at the points, Marleau, Draper or Morrison should be after Ribeiro since he finished before all of them. Those 3 are center, he is, so he should have been 2 center if we look AT THE POINTS.

Sorry for the confusion, I know points aren't everything. In fact, there are at least 10 other players with fewer points than Ribeiro that I would gladly take ahead of him. Maybe it's because I haven't seen all of his games but he seems like a lazy floater. Add to that his antics and obvious attitude problem and I probably wouldn't take him unless I was desperate.

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In this case, it's your opinion and I respect it honestly. But I would still pick him even in the last WC in september, but that is MO. Everyone have a different one and that is why the life and hockey are great.

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i can't stand neither healy or mcguire. i had to change the channel during intermissions so i didn't have to hear healy whine about how every one of the russians are terrible, whiners, cocky, etc. i can't stand the biasness of the broadcasting of those two. thank god brian burkes there to balance it out with positives for both sides.

if canada never got the 3-0 lead in the first, russia would of won. brodeur kept them in the game. i don't understand how they never played kovalchuk in the last minute of the game. you'd think they would of placed him out there.

the finals tomorow should be interesting...i'm predicting same results as todays game...canada go up early, and sit on lead and finish in a close battle

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The SportsNet expert Paul Maurice (the ex-coach of the Carolina Hurricanes) said yesterday (Friday) that he expected Canada to take an early lead against the Russians, and then to hang on. He was right about that.

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Good game,I don't know how Canada pulled it off.Predictions on tomorrow Czech vs Canada?I'm saying it'll be close throughout the whole game,but Canada will take it 4-2 IMO;with some defensive mistakes by Canada but Brodeur will stand on his head when needed.

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Just a quick chime in here on the Ribeiro comment. Everyone has their role and to put Fisher up against Ribeiro just doesn't make sense. I don't believe either should be there, but they play completely different games. Ribeiro has a poor history with his attitude and that doesn't normally fit well with fourth line minutes.

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