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Whats your IQ?

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

Yeah, 150 is like the 99th percentile or close...

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

Probably doesn't even know what Mensa is.

I have an Uncle in law who is a Mensa member, and it's quite rediculous. He is a PHD in nuclear engineering, masters in psychology, and a BS in biology. He's so smart it makes my head hurt, you can't even comprehend how rediculous this guy is. His IQ is around 140. An IQ of 150 defines you as "Supergenius". Mozart, Darwin, Steven Hawking, and Einstein are all chillin' right around 160, if that tells you anything :ph34r:

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

Yeah, 150 is like the 99th percentile or close...

I meant did he take the MENSA test. cause if he did he would defently get in if he has a 150 I.Q

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

Yeah, 150 is like the 99th percentile or close...

2% deviation is roughly 130 IQ. 145 and up IQ is .13%. Mensa accepts anyone 130+.

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

Yeah, 150 is like the 99th percentile or close...

2% deviation is roughly 130 IQ. 145 and up IQ is .13%. Mensa accepts anyone 130+.

Thats not always true... Because some IQ tests have different standards than others, they accept different things. On one test you could scored 120 and that would be equivelant to 130 on another test. I think they accept other tests too, like ACT SAT but Im not exactly sure.

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That's not very accurate... it gave me 116, but I've taken a real one before (not over the internet) and I have 150.

so are you part of MENSA??

Yeah, 150 is like the 99th percentile or close...

2% deviation is roughly 130 IQ. 145 and up IQ is .13%. Mensa accepts anyone 130+.

Thats not always true... Because some IQ tests have different standards than others, they accept different things. On one test you could scored 120 and that would be equivelant to 130 on another test. I think they accept other tests too, like ACT SAT but Im not exactly sure.

You're right, but if you join Mensa you have to take their approved test. Instead of telling you "Have an IQ of X or higher" they just go by the upper 2 percentile, I was curious so I went and asked my uncle :P. So yeah, upper 2% on one test might be 140 and upper 2% on another test might be 129. You need to take it at a testing service place or at a Mensa place for it to be valid and accepted. There are a handful of tests that Mensa deems "valid" for acceptance.

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