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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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motorola razr v3

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if you have the money to spend, i doubt you'll find a cooler phone. even if another phone has better features, the design of the phone more than makes up for it. it has no buttons! :D :ph34r:

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that phone is the biggest waste of money,it looks extremely gay

yes, for a guy it would be a gay phone, but im a girl and i think it is definately a girls phone.

it has good features. has ne1 used this phone?

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Cool phone.

The camera is sub par - but who really uses their phone to take pics anyway?

I've heard mixed reviews about battery life as well.

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i cant remember who else had one on here. i think it was legodoom. try pming him for questions.

Good memory.

I've had it for a while and really like it. Battery life has been good so far and the camera is better than people give it credit for.


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I would have got the Razr, but it didnt do anything for me. Sure its slim, but its too damn wide. Cingular also has just about the worst reception in my area.

My current phone:


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I wasn't too happy to switch to Cingular, but I get good reception in the Philly area, so it was no big deal. And I like the fact that it's slim and wide. It fits in my pocket better, but still has a big display.

yglod11, I've dropped it a handful of times (twice on concrete) and it's held up just fine.

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I didn't like the Razr, too wide and didn't fit my hand well. I got an LG 5450 and I like it. Camera sucks but who cares. I bought a cable for it that lets you use any MP3 or midi file as a ringtone and upload background pictures for free, so that's pretty nifty. I just didn't see the need to spend several hundred dollars on a phone.

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I didn't like the Razr, too wide and didn't fit my hand well. I got an LG 5450 and I like it. Camera sucks but who cares. I bought a cable for it that lets you use any MP3 or midi file as a ringtone and upload background pictures for free, so that's pretty nifty. I just didn't see the need to spend several hundred dollars on a phone.

i spent 200.

u can use mp3's on it too.

i got it today and i am loving it!

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