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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

One of a kind replacement mask!

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HAhaha, i'm sure it's the latest in optical protection! each one of your eyes get's its own leg to look through ;)

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I'll have to suggest them for one of the refs I know. His head's always up his ass so these should work out pretty well for him.

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HAHAHA This is thread is the funniest thing I've seen in the past month. WOW! :lol: Thanks for the laughs everyone... haha

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its a mistake...its supposed to be a shield but they have pants for the picture...were just making it seem like they actually made a shield like that haha

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its a mistake...its supposed to be a shield but they have pants for the picture...were just making it seem like they actually made a shield like that haha

nooo... really? i didnt know that :rolleyes:

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I'll have to suggest them for one of the refs I know. His head's always up his ass so these should work out pretty well for him.

I was waiting for that, or a "I've been called a dickhead lotsa times, but never thought I'd need protection for it"

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I don't know why you guys are making fun of it... It is the best mask I have ever had...


i wonder if people new to hockey had actually bought that thing thinking they needed one to protect their face :D

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