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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing stick blades

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Do you guys replace blades/butt ends at home? I don't want to ruin expensive equipment, but I don't want to drive a long way to the pro shop.

I don't have a blow torch. Can I heat up the new blade over the stove and just bang it into the shaft? I guess I can heat the shank on the blade without scorching the paint.

What about removing the butt end? How do I heat the shaft up without scorching the paint?

Thanks for any experienced advice.

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Heat guns work best. And they're pretty cheap as you only need an entry level one with about 1,500W. I bought mine for $35 bucks.

Be careful not to overheat your shaft. When I replace blades I use my heat gun's high setting (1,500W) and go over each side 10 times.



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stove works fine IF it's electric dont do it over a gas stove.

Ah, this is the tip I need. I have an open flame gas stove. I guess I won't use it.

I will look to see if my wife's hair dryer heats up enough.

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U can use an open flame to replace blades! Just wrap aluminum foil around the shaft. The foil stops the open flame from cooking the shaft and it will still get hot. Little trick I learned years ago...until I got myself an industrial heat-fan. The thing is NASTY!

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In a pinch I've used the gas stove in my house to swap blades or butt ends. Just keep it well above the flame and constantly rotate it. Check frequently to see if the blade moves and swap it out.

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a gas stove is fine i use mine all the time to take out butt ends and melt glue on blades,just keep it a couple of inches from the stove top,and you shaft most likely wont burn ,it hasnt happened to me yet

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My team mate changed a blade with a pair of tea lights.. :lol:

Thats what someone did on my team as well. He always kept some matches and some tea lights in his bag in case he needed to change his blade. It took soooo long.

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In a pinch I've used the gas stove in my house to swap blades or butt ends. Just keep it well above the flame and constantly rotate it. Check frequently to see if the blade moves and swap it out.

Yeah that's what I use...works very well

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I used the tin foil and heated it up over the gas stove to get the wooden dowel out. Worked like a charm. The blade went in like a hot knife through butter.

Thanks for the tips, gentlemen.

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I just use a hair dryer... takes a while but it does the job. Heat the tip of the blade and try to pull the blade out every couple of minutes. The blade should come out pretty easily if the temperature is right. To put the blade in, make sure the tip if the shaft is hot enough and just put the blade in. Don't heat the hosel, I find that doesn't do much.

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U can use an open flame to replace blades! Just wrap aluminum foil around the shaft. The foil stops the open flame from cooking the shaft and it will still get hot. Little trick I learned years ago...until I got myself an industrial heat-fan. The thing is NASTY!

This is a great tip!


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if you ever snap the blade and there's still wood inside the shaft i heat it up with the hot air gun then pull it out with a cork screw, i think its a quicker way then putting a screw in to it then pulling it out with plyers

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to remove - Gas Stove, shaft wrapped in aluminium, or one of those aluminium clamps from Easton.

Inserting new blade - i fill one of those ceramic pen holders (something like a mug) and fill it with boling water... just stick the shaft into the water, let it heat up for a while... then remove any access water... stick the new blade in.

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In a pinch I've used the gas stove in my house to swap blades or butt ends. Just keep it well above the flame and constantly rotate it. Check frequently to see if the blade moves and swap it out.

I have to second this advice as I believe it is a myth that open flames cannot be used.

As chadd said, keep it above the flame itself and you get the heat, and rotate it.

I've used my gas stove all of my hockey life (12 yrs) on aluminums and composites alike and have never ever ever damaged a shaft, or caused kevlar/graph/comp. to bubble or burn.

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