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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping Composite Blades

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I remember a while back there were a few topics on taping composite blades for better pass reception, dampening, etc.

Unfortunately, searching didn't help. :(

Does anyone have any tips for taping composite blades so passes don't ring off them as easily or for improved puck feel?

Thanks in advance.

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Maybe a strip of tape lengthwise on the face and backhand before taping over it normally. I think someone tried a piece of duct tape and then taped over that normally.

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Theres also OPS tape specially made for one piece sticks, I believe. I dont know if anybody ever liked it but some people tried it, I think.

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I use a strip of electrical tape length wise on my forehand and backhand. Then I tape over it with whatever tape is in stock. It just feels better to me, and I believe it protects it better as well.

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Conceptually, I like something called Blade Shark that was given to me at the Vegas show. I say "conceptually" because it worked only half-way due to my error.

Blade Shark sells what is essentially sticky sandpaper shaped to cover the front and back of your blade. You have to sand the surface blade to create a rough surface that the adhesive will adher to, and that's what I did wrong. I was a bit concerned of rubbing away too much surface and degrading the strength of the stick. Ultimately, the backhand side has been on for three months, but the front tore off the first day I tested it.

So, the honest answer is I first thought the item is worthless, since it came off the first day; but since the back has been on fine for months, I realized it was Operator Error and I'd give the blade shark another test.

It took a while to find it, but here's a link: Blade Shark Hockey

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Conceptually, I like something called Blade Shark that was given to me at the Vegas show. I say "conceptually" because it worked only half-way due to my error.

Blade Shark sells what is essentially sticky sandpaper shaped to cover the front and back of your blade. You have to sand the surface blade to create a rough surface that the adhesive will adher to, and that's what I did wrong. I was a bit concerned of rubbing away too much surface and degrading the strength of the stick. Ultimately, the backhand side has been on for three months, but the front tore off the first day I tested it.

So, the honest answer is I first thought the item is worthless, since it came off the first day; but since the back has been on fine for months, I realized it was Operator Error and I'd give the blade shark another test.

It took a while to find it, but here's a link: Blade Shark Hockey

Looks no different than a Tacki-Mac Attack Pad to me.

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how is there a difference between the way you tape up a ops wouldn't it work just the same as a woody or a 2piece?

i mean wouldn't a better way of taping a ops be as good as it on any other stick.

other than that i used to put an extra strip of normal stick tape on the forehand and back hand side of the blade width ways or you could try taping closer together like or if you buy 1' tape try using 3/4' tape so its closer together and i heard this also improves your stick handling(this may not be true)

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Duct Tape, baby.

As I'm pretty sure I have said in past topics, I stick two strips of Duct Tape along the bottoms of the forehand and backhand faces of my blades. I trim the excess tape off of the heels and toes of the blades with a curved X-acto knife and then bust-out with the black tape and wax. The whole process takes awhile, but I find it's worth it; the puck just dies when it hits the blade, which really, REALLY helps when I have to lunge for a hard pass or something, the feel for the much is much better, the blades actually last longer (BONUS!), and my shot does not suffer one bit.

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Duct Tape, baby.

As I'm pretty sure I have said in past topics, I stick two strips of Duct Tape along the bottoms of the forehand and backhand faces of my blades. I trim the excess tape off of the heels and toes of the blades with a curved X-acto knife and then bust-out with the black tape and wax. The whole process takes awhile, but I find it's worth it; the puck just dies when it hits the blade, which really, REALLY helps when I have to lunge for a hard pass or something, the feel for the much is much better, the blades actually last longer (BONUS!), and my shot does not suffer one bit.

i am definatly (wrong spelling) going to have to try that :D

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question about wax!

i recently bought wax for the sake of it but apart from keeping out water as it says on many sites does it do anything else?

and what is the best stuff to use i have "topshelf stick wax" that smells like cocanut?

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Carbon has no friction coefficient on ice so it is really unnecessary to put extra strips on the bottom to "protect" from wear like you would on a woodie.

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question about wax!

i recently bought wax for the sake of it but apart from keeping out water as it says on many sites does it do anything else?

and what is the best stuff to use i have "topshelf stick wax" that smells like cocanut?

top shelf doesnt smell like anything but wax,its a good wax

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other than that i used to put an extra strip of normal stick tape on the forehand and back hand side of the blade width ways or you could try taping closer together like or if you buy 1' tape try using 3/4' tape so its closer together and i heard this also improves your stick handling(this may not be true)

:o :rolleyes: HUH.

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yeh thats another thing my mates always retape their sticks when they get worn through at the bottom, is this the right thing to do because it doesnt seem it as they have smooth bottoms to their blades on their sticks?

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yeh thats another thing my mates always retape their sticks when they get worn through at the bottom, is this the right thing to do because it doesnt seem it as they have smooth bottoms to their blades on their sticks?

It's PP. I always retape after each game.

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question about wax!

i recently bought wax for the sake of it but apart from keeping out water as it says on many sites does it do anything else?

and what is the best stuff to use i have "topshelf stick wax" that smells like cocanut?

I just use candle or canning wax my mom uses for preservaives/jams/jellies, works wonders for me. I usually melt it as well. Crayons also work, my friend and I used it for a couple of games because we wanted purple tape.

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question about wax!

i recently bought wax for the sake of it but apart from keeping out water as it says on many sites does it do anything else?

and what is the best stuff to use i have "topshelf stick wax" that smells like cocanut?

Use sex wax. It is amazing and somewhat sticky - http://www.sexwax.com/

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Wax also increases the grip on the puck, so the puck sticks there better. And it sounds like the duct tape is placed on the face of the blade to dampen vibration rather than along the underside to reduce wear as on a wood blade.

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question about wax!

i recently bought wax for the sake of it but apart from keeping out water as it says on many sites does it do anything else?

and what is the best stuff to use i have "topshelf stick wax" that smells like cocanut?

top shelf doesnt smell like anything but wax,its a good wax

That stuff is horrible. I tried using it but it just comes off in globs and chunks. Nothing beats sex wax for a hockey stick. I've tried everything and nothing comes close.

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