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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sport Chek

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so,the reg. price on sicores there is $240 USD ,wow thats more than a stealth,si cores around here are only $99.99 USD same with all synergies

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My LHS is selling Apollo's for the same price... $89.99 for the INT. and $99.99 for the SR. The Si-Core prices dropped too but I forget how much the go for there now.

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so,the reg. price on sicores there is $240 USD ,wow thats more than a stealth,si cores around here are only $99.99 USD same with all synergies

Canucks get SCREWED on all Easton products and most hockey stuff in general.

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it starts on the 15th. instore

Damn, I just got back from Sport Chek in Calgary. My friend and I were just commenting on how expensive 299.99 is for a Si-Core. I might go to Edmonton this weekend and get one.

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all-star, What SportChek do you work at?

I'm at the coquitlam centre in B.C.

I laughed at my manager when we put out those syn si-cores for 300.00

( I actually told ppl not to buy them)

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i actually work with sport mart, but i know most of the sales going on with sport chek too. there both forzani group. and i work at one in calgary. these are going for below cost too, which is surprising. unless they picked these up cheaper then normal.

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Canucks get SCREWED on all Easton products and most hockey stuff in general.

I know eh I can see why all you people down there get all those expensive equipment.

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so,the reg. price on sicores there is $240 USD ,wow thats more than a stealth,si cores around here are only $99.99 USD same with all synergies

Canucks get SCREWED on all Easton products and most hockey stuff in general.

You can thank your government for that.

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i just went to the sport chek at lansdowne mall in richmond, BC. the guys there said they would just sell them at 129.99 today (i think he just wanted the commission from me), so he just specially marked it down in advance. i always also told that you could buy it at whatever price it is now, and bring it back when they go for 129.99 and they'll give u back the difference.

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it starts on the 15th. instore

Damn, I just got back from Sport Chek in Calgary. My friend and I were just commenting on how expensive 299.99 is for a Si-Core. I might go to Edmonton this weekend and get one.

Seann you know there's a Sport Chek in Sherwood Park right?

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Yah, SportChek has a price guaranty so you don't get screwed on our sales. Most of our gear is marked way up so we can put it on major sale, so the consumer thinks they're getting a deal. To be honest, those Si-Core's were bought at closeout from easton for about 60-70 each.

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my friend works at sport chek told me the same thing, but i don't think you can get si-core's anywhere else at the price, unless you are in the states.

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i went to check it out yesterday and all they had in RH was 100flex shanahan they had about 10. and for LH they had about 10 85flex iggys.

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mine was completly opposite...

85 flex RH iginla's and either 85 flex shanny LH or 100 flex lidstrom LH

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i went to check it out yesterday and all they had in RH was 100flex shanahan they had about 10. and for LH they had about 10 85flex iggys.

same with ours but they had LH/RH in both.. hubby picked up a iggy for me lol :D

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it starts on the 15th. instore

Damn, I just got back from Sport Chek in Calgary. My friend and I were just commenting on how expensive 299.99 is for a Si-Core. I might go to Edmonton this weekend and get one.

Seann you know there's a Sport Chek in Sherwood Park right?

I didn't know there was one in Sherwood Park, I thought Edmonton would be the closest. Turns out I will be in Sherwood Park this weekend at Narch.

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has anyone checked out a sport chek in toronto? i'm interested in gettin an apollo, i saw in an ad they were $89.99 but i'm not sure about selection, since they never put in patters/flexes in the ads anyway

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has anyone checked out a sport chek in toronto? i'm interested in gettin an apollo, i saw in an ad they were $89.99 but i'm not sure about selection, since they never put in patters/flexes in the ads anyway

I went to the Sport Check in Fairview Mall in Toronto yesterday. They had two intermediate apollo's (don't remember the flex or curve) and about 10 senior sticks all in the 102 Pro Flex. The patterns they had were Lemieux, Brind'Amour, and Legwand. I picked up a senior RH Legwand. They are actually locked in a display case with a bunch of RBK 4K's and you have to ask an associate to unlock the case.

They had a bunch of Sicores in the Iginla pattern in the 110 Flex at the front of the store (both LH and RH).

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