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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Always wanted to know

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Ive always wanted to kno why people spray paint their sticks? Doesnt it make the stick weaker?

I dont' see why it would make a stick weaker, but people do it for psychological reasons, ie. hiding the puck, or they just feel the colour of the stick is distracting, i believe there are threads like this in the past....

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Yeah there are tons of previous threads on this but...

I spray paint my sticks for just messing around in the driveway because i just like how they look.

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I like the idea of a white stick with a black blade. The white of the shaft should blend in with the ice and make it harder to note small movements in shaft angle from a distance. At least in theory. Once my 100 flex Ribeiros show up I'll test that theory with a couple goalies.

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ive never tryed spraypainting my sticks but as soon as all the reds gone on my SL grip im going ot try it i think

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I like the idea of a white stick with a black blade. The white of the shaft should blend in with the ice and make it harder to note small movements in shaft angle from a distance. At least in theory. Once my 100 flex Ribeiros show up I'll test that theory with a couple goalies.

You getting a Mission Z1?

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I like the idea of a white stick with a black blade. The white of the shaft should blend in with the ice and make it harder to note small movements in shaft angle from a distance. At least in theory. Once my 100 flex Ribeiros show up I'll test that theory with a couple goalies.

You getting a Mission Z1?

Hex-1, I'm sure.

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I like the idea of a white stick with a black blade. The white of the shaft should blend in with the ice and make it harder to note small movements in shaft angle from a distance. At least in theory. Once my 100 flex Ribeiros show up I'll test that theory with a couple goalies.

You getting a Mission Z1?

Z-1 is silver, not white.

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Ive always wanted to kno why people spray paint their sticks? Doesnt it make the stick weaker?

I dont' see why it would make a stick weaker,

I know you're not supposed to use regular cheap spray paint on motorcycle helmets because it can weaken the shell. Not sure if the same is true for composite sticks/blades.

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Z-1 is silver, not white. 

Z1 is silver? Huh. Looked kind of off white to me, but I haven't seen it (or the Hex) in person.

I know you're not supposed to use regular cheap spray paint on motorcycle helmets because it can weaken the shell. Not sure if the same is true for composite sticks/blades.

I've raised/made the same question/argument before.

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i thought about painting the bottom of my stick but i wasnt sure if id do it black or white and then i just decided not to fix something that isnt broken

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at my local roller hockey rink their was a fad with spraypainting blades silver/ chrome. it looked cool, but the paint chipped off and it ended up on other peoples sticks and the floor .

i prefer the natural color that sticks come

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What's the big deal, the only reasonable one I can see is hiding it from the goalie. Anything else just makes up for a lack of skill, or having bad habits like looking down at the blade of your stick.

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I dont get why some people spray paint there sticks black tword the bottom and then use white tape(Dan Heatly). Doesnt that kinda defete the purpose of hiding the puck? (even though it looks better IMO).

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Z-1 is silver, not white. 

Z1 is silver? Huh. Looked kind of off white to me, but I haven't seen it (or the Hex) in person.

Yes, the Z-1 is shiny silver and the Hex is white. The hex grip is darker though.

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I dont get why some people spray paint there sticks black tword the bottom and then use white tape(Dan Heatly). Doesnt that kinda defete the purpose of hiding the puck? (even though it looks better IMO).

He may have used a black blade all the way up and now spray paints for superstition. He could find any other colour distracting while he plays (they do play under a fair amount of lighting), he could just like the way it looks. There's a fair bit of reasons.

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It´s all personal preference I´d say. Maybe you remember Petr Klima´s tapejob back in the day? He either had a black blade candy caned with white tape or a white blade with black tape cany caned......Distracting the goalie? I don´t know.....it´s a mind thing probably. I spray paint most of my stuff black since I find this the least distracting. I hate the way the color goes from black to whtever yellow, red, chrome on most OPS.....makes the blade look smaller to me and I get distracted....it´s just a mind thing, though.

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What's the big deal, the only reasonable one I can see is hiding it from the goalie. Anything else just makes up for a lack of skill, or having bad habits like looking down at the blade of your stick.

I fail to see how spray painting your stick makes up for a lack of skill...

Most people (myself included) do it for superstition, nothing more, nothing less

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