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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drury Curve

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Is the lemieux an EXACT clone of the drury? Whats the pattern code for it (ex: pt3)...Also, is the Bauer Kovalchuk and exact clone? What the pattern code for that one as well?

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Is the lemieux an EXACT clone of the drury? Whats the pattern code for it (ex: pt3)...Also, is the Bauer Kovalchuk and exact clone? What the pattern code for that one as well?

The code for the Lemieux curve is PM66 and the code for the Kovalchuk is P91.

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sorry for double posting, but have you guys out there who swtiched from mid curves to heel curves find it hard to make flat, saucer passes? I can't seem to do it, the puck always flips when it leaves my blade, is it because there is no enough velocity on the puck?

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Yes, the Lemieux is a Drury clone. I have one in front of me right now.

With a heel wedge like the Lemieux or Drury, all of my passes and shots use the same motion. Heel to toe and let the puck roll down the blade.

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