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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanahan curve

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So I've played with the Shanahan curve for like 12 years....now easton is going to stop offering the curve in the newer sticks.

Which really sucks for me/them because I will probably go away from using Easton now (what a stupid decision on their part).

What I'm wondering is....does anyone know of other manufacturers that make the shanahan style curve? I'm looking for identical...or very close.

Needs to be;

-A lie 6

-Mid Curve

-Moderate Curve depth

-Face Angle Slightly Open

-Toe shape, Square

-Blade Length, Long

Let me know if you have any suggestions and have actually played with a similar curve NOT from Easton.

AND YES....I've used the pattern db. I'm looking for feedback from people who have 'actually' used the sticks.



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Bozek by gear is Mid Moderate Slightly Open 6 Square Long

Cole by mission Mid Moderate Slightly Open 6 Square Medium (but its medium length)

those are the only 2 could find

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Bauer Gagne is now a shanny clone. CLick on "pattern DB" at the top of the page for more curve info.

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Chadd is right, Gagne is a clone (although, I have seen a new Bauer XXX Gagne clone, and it looks a bit different than my XX version).

I have held my XX Gagne next to my Shanny Easton and there is no difference (regardless of whether one says it's a 1/2 or 3/4).

OF COURSE, like I said, it may have been changed with the new model/model year.

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why dont you load up on closeout eastons. im sure you will be able to find shannys.

or you could always send a shanny blade to sher-wood,christian and get some customs if you like wood blades.

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why dont you load up on closeout eastons. im sure you will be able to find shannys.

or you could always send a shanny blade to sher-wood,christian and get some customs if you like wood blades.

Do you have any info on that?? Sounds good...

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Customs? Would you like composite or wood? Sherwood offers composite, but as far as I know they are the only ones. For wood, goto your LHS and ask them if they will be able to do it.

As for "clones"

The new P10 (Gagne)

Cole (Mission)

those are the two main ones that come to mind for me.

What kind've sticks do you use right now?

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i belive the innovative Roberts is close. i'm in the same boat. apperenrly he didn't resign with easton so they can't use his name anymore. i have switched to the winwell(inno blem) Neundyke (similar to Skaic) and i like it. more accurate shot with it. still trying to get used to the back hand though.

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Customs? Would you like composite or wood? Sherwood offers composite, but as far as I know they are the only ones. For wood, goto your LHS and ask them if they will be able to do it.

As for "clones"

The new P10 (Gagne)

Cole (Mission)

those are the two main ones that come to mind for me.

What kind've sticks do you use right now?

Sherwood offers custom order blades? Where does it say that? I wouldn't mind getting a composite blade to my specs.

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Customs? Would you like composite or wood? Sherwood offers composite, but as far as I know they are the only ones. For wood, goto your LHS and ask them if they will be able to do it.

As for "clones"

The new P10 (Gagne)

Cole (Mission)

those are the two main ones that come to mind for me.

What kind've sticks do you use right now?

Sherwood offers custom order blades? Where does it say that? I wouldn't mind getting a composite blade to my specs.

yes they do. do some seaching theres alot of threads on them. I'm pritty sure there alot to order and you probably have to order at least 6 or 12.

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according  to hockey giant, the bozek is  the exact same

Bozek by gear is Mid Moderate Slightly Open 6 Square Long

Yeah, I forgot about the Gear ones. They were on sale the weekend before last for something like $13. I almost picked up a few (but had to remind myself of the 6 other blades sitting on my closet floor and 6 ops that I still haven't used and decided to try some restraint for once).

Hell...... you can buy a Gear OPS for something like $40 from Hockeygiant....

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i belive the innovative Roberts is close. i'm in the same boat. apperenrly he didn't resign with easton so they can't use his name anymore. i have switched to the winwell(inno blem) Neundyke (similar to Skaic) and i like it. more accurate shot with it. still trying to get used to the back hand though.

That's why I bought 6 Roberts' blades. It is quite different though. I couldn't get used to it for the life of me. I don't know what to do once all the Shanny Z-carbs are gone. I can't stock up on those because they're 92.00Cad here after tax. I'm trying a Modano, hopefully it'll work because that's a curve they may never stop production on.

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Customs? Would you like composite or wood? Sherwood offers composite, but as far as I know they are the only ones. For wood, goto your LHS and ask them if they will be able to do it.

As for "clones"

The new P10 (Gagne)

Cole (Mission)

those are the two main ones that come to mind for me.

What kind've sticks do you use right now?

Ferland offers custom composite blades (Revo Storm series I think?) at a minimum of 12 blades.

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i belive the innovative Roberts is close. i'm in the same boat. apperenrly he didn't resign with easton so they can't use his name anymore. i have switched to the winwell(inno blem) Neundyke (similar to Skaic) and i like it. more accurate shot with it. still trying to get used to the back hand though.

That's why I bought 6 Roberts' blades. It is quite different though. I couldn't get used to it for the life of me. I don't know what to do once all the Shanny Z-carbs are gone. I can't stock up on those because they're 92.00Cad here after tax. I'm trying a Modano, hopefully it'll work because that's a curve they may never stop production on.

I wrote RR about this after I got the Hesp roberts blade - looks just like Inno's old Kariya blade.

Anyone else notice that too?

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Ferland offers custom composite blades (Revo Storm series I think?) at a minimum of 12 blades.

They do in Europe, but not in North America.

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Ferland offers custom composite blades (Revo Storm series I think?) at a minimum of 12 blades.

They do in Europe, but not in North America.

Really? Why? Their blades are made in Mexico, aren´t they? I don´t quite understand that....

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