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Sakic Curve

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Curves are personal prefrence. Nobody will be able to help you decide whether you should get it or not. It's a mid-toe curve, which is open. some will like it others won't.

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easton needs to take a little loft off and theyre good. it has too much IMO. I love the mission cole. not too much curve and not a lot of loft. they dont make it in 75 flex anymore tho :(

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I've seen two different retail Sakic curves. Ones a mid and the others a heel. Both are 1/2 curves, lie of 5.5, rounded toe, and flared open at the toe.

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easton needs to take a little loft off and theyre good. it has too much IMO. I love the mission cole. not too much curve and not a lot of loft. they dont make it in 75 flex anymore tho :(

isn't the cole an exact replicaton of the sakic? or is it an iginla?

and isn't the sakic a toned down yzerman?

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Rafalski is the Sakic, Cole is more like the Shannahan. I think the Mission equivilent to Iggy this year is gonna be Hatcher or Hull, I forget which is which, but the one that isn`t the Iggy clone will be a Peca clone.

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I use a Sakic curve on my R2XN10 and love it. I have a a fierce slap shot and I get great control on loft and accuracy with it. The wristers I get with it are outstanding as well. It doesn't take anything out of my stickhandeling either. Overall I really like it.

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I used it for about 2 years in my standard shafts and loved it (ultralite blade btw). I don't know, now that I have my tapered synergy shafts, the sakic has too much loft for me. I'm getting Legend blades made up similar with less loft.

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use it on my synergy (Rh 85 flex) I have a very hard slapshot. Its good for when i get set up in the slot or out in front of the net and I can just roof it. Good for stickhandling and especially a fast toe drag. Love this curve

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Guest phillyfan

I've been switching between a Sakic and Modano, and use each for different game situations. I use the Sakic the majority of the time, nice curve, hard to keep the shots down, as stated, a tab too much loft, which is why I have the Modano as well, has a little less loft. Modano is easier to stickhandle for me, while the Sakic is easier to rocket a shot off the crossbar and in.

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I have noticed that I get a little to much loft on it, but it's only when I'm shooting a wrister. I tend to hit the crossbar more often, but putting it just under the bar isn't necessarily a bad thing :)

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Curve raduis is EXACTLY the same in the Sakic and the Iginla, It just that the toe is slightly open in the Sakic, and the Sakic has slightly more "rocker" along the bottom of the blade. I prefer the Iginla, especially with the new Synthesis because the Sakic shots get to high too fast.

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I've used a friend's sakic blade and current use a similar curve. I have to say that i dont like wristers that much with it. I was out at the rink picking corners on my wrist shot with a $15 ABS stick (small mid-heel curve) today but i'd prolly shoot over the net with my wrister half the time with the sakic. I do find it better for snap and slap shots however. I dont like to stickhandle with open curves, but that's just me.

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I know curves are all about personal preference but from what I heard from all my friends and people on this forum, it seems like i should give it a try. But the problem is I play ball hockey and its painted cement so i need a nice abs blade and i was looking into the V60 abs blade from CCM, i checked the charts and recchi is the clone but there are slight differences: Sakic is 5.5 and Recchi is 6 lie and recchi is closed while sakic is slight what does it mean? will a slighty higher lie and a closed face alter the sakic curve?

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cole isnt a shanny, shanny is a toe and cole is a mid 7/18 slightly open.

According to epuck, they're the same.

Cole is legal Shanny is not. Otherwise they are the same.

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I ama big fan of this curve. it is the curve i have on all my sticks, and all of the stick i have used for tyhe past 3 years. it is awesome for snap shots, and wristers. it is harder to keep the puck down. but in time u can. its a good curve for deke 2

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Most of these opinions are for shots. What about the puck handling and puck reception part of it (just personally, I've tried receiving passes with a Yzerman and just can't do it at all, but that's just me for example).

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Curve shouldn't matter for catching passes, at least on the forehand. Soften your grip and work on it.

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