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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Candycane rolling

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I tried a candycane tape job for the first time tonite and was suprisingly happy with the grip but I noticed that the tape seemed to roll up after awhile. Is there anyway to prevent this or does it happen regardless?

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When rolling it on, hold the roll and pull tight on the tape so that it sticks 100% to the shaft, then, go over it as hockeydude said and get it stuck down nice and firm.. shud last you 5 to 10 skates..

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When I usied to candycane sticks I'd put wax on the palms of old gloves and just rub the tape like crazy.

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I can vouch in for hockeydude. I press down on the tape as hard as i can so until it seems like it's fused to the shaft itself. My candycane job has lasted me 20+ skates and still going.

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when i used to do it, i would rub the tape with a puck so it stuck to the shaft really

good,lasted me around 20 games or so,i just recently stopped doing it

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when i used to do it, i would rub the tape with a puck so it stuck to the shaft really

good,lasted me around 20 games or so.

I do the same thing, it works well. Something else I noticed is that, after using all kinds of tape brands (Renfrew, Andover ect.) Comp-O-stick works the best. After rubbing it with a puck, it is almost impossible to get off.

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Just adding my own experience here. I ripped the palm and thumb of my gloves from taping the stick like this so won't do it again.

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i candycane my stick. mine usually lasts about 10 skates before getting worn or startng to roll. the grip it gives is awesome, not to much but just enough

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