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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick flex..

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i'm not sure if this has been posted before. i searched and didn't find anything.. so i'm eather bad at searching, or this is new. in any case..

i use easton with 100flex.. is it all just personal preference? i've used 85flex. i heard that too much flex just takes away from your shot.. and your shot suffers with a stick that is too stiff. is there a way to tell other than trying them out?? i'm about 5-11, 150lbs. i'm thinking about going back to 85flex.. but that means i'm going to have to exchange some sticks and shafts.

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off topic... but maybe it's why i am thinking about changing flex:

has anyone had shooting slumps.. ? when you feel like your shot just sucks? my last game i felt like i coudn't get a good slapshot off. it may be that my stick is a bit shorter than it should be.. i doubt it's the flex really.. i think i'm just trying to figure out ways to improve my shot. i guess i'll just have to wait until my next game.. <_<

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nope.. the only thing i've cut is the wood butt end. i think maybe i need to go practice.. maybe i feel rusty playing only once a week.

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5-11 and 150 pounds i think u should be using 85 flex for sure. I am 6-2 and 180 pounds and for the longest time i would use a 100 flex - i borrowed my friends 85 flex and have never looked back. It provides me more consistent speed on my shots with much less exhertion on my part, and more room for error. Trust me some of these pro players use 100 flex sticks - so you can see that generally speaking the public tends to buy stick that are too stiff.

loose everything.........

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I've got a few pro stocks that are around 80 flex... I figure if a professional uses that there's no way i should be using a stiffer stick

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I use anywhere from an Easton 85 Flex on my Ultra Lite to a TPS Stiff Flex on my Response Plus. I am in the process of phasing out my stiffer sticks and moving to strictly the 85 range for next season.

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eazy is right it is all PP.Anyways, Im 6'1" and about 190 and ive been useing a regular flex(90-95) on my RBK recently. I like it the best out of all the sticks ive used so far. I think its better than my 100 flex synthesis and much much better than my 112 flex XX(way too stiff). I did cut the RBK and the Bauer about a 1 1/2 in. because they have longer shafts do to no end plug. I did add small end plugs to the synthesis when i was useing them.

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all my syicks are 100flex except my montreal 8500nitro wich is i think a 120 maybe? but i seriously need a 80 a sumthing i see people alot bigger than me getting whips and stuff

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I like anything from a 65-85. My favorite stick, if you're talking about flex, would have to be my Easton Aluminum V-Flex 70. I believe Shanahan used one too but in 90 or 95 flex.

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i'm 6'4" 230 and and making the switch from 100 flex (easton synthesis) to an innovative 260 around 90-95 on the "easton scale". i like the inno better has better feel than the synthesis.

why can't there be one type of flex rating? it should would make buying new sticks easy. but i dirgres each manufacter has to have something different.

use what ever feels best to you. it is not the speed of your shot but how accurate it is that matters most.

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Not true, its quickness over anything. I can float a saucer pass top shelf at will, but thats not going to do me any good.

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i am 6ft tall, and about 210lbs... been using a intermediate synergy 75 (with a senior blade that i sanded down)... most of the other guys/gals on the team said that it was too flexy for me, but who cares.... as long as i am comfortable with it.

if i'm not wrong, brett hull uses a 80 flex...

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I always used 100 in Easton & Mission, but after expanding my horizons to other brands I've "down-flexed". Since then I've used 260 in Inno and Regular flex in TPS and RBK.

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