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Sticks of Fury

Beer League TV series

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OMG....they're finally making a TV show about my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except my wife is not that smokin' hot!

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Lokos like a great show but looks a bit dramatized......Dosent look 100% authentic to me but its still great! Hope its on in the states if it DOES come on

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You know what kind of annoys me. I've been tossing around the idea that a movie based on a beer league team could be pretty good. Well, this is what I get for not writing anything down.

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You know what kind of annoys me. I've been tossing around the idea that a movie based on a beer league team could be pretty good. Well, this is what I get for not writing anything down.

So what?? do the movie.

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That's funny, they might wanna show it to like HBO, otherwise all the swears willget bleeped out.

I loved the last scene with the guys wife." When I told you to go play last night I really wanted you to stay home and **** me".

They better make it a show.

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You know what kind of annoys me.  I've been tossing around the idea that a movie based on a beer league team could be pretty good.  Well, this is what I get for not writing anything down.

So what?? do the movie.

Too late, I'm sure they were smart enough to copyright it before they started pitching the idea.

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That's funny, they might wanna show it to like HBO, otherwise all the swears willget bleeped out.

I definately agree. I don't know if it would fly in the US on regular primetime. But if HBO produced it I think its got real potential.

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ya it didnt work 4 me

I tried to look at it againg to show it to my Dad and it didn't work... That pisses me off.

Atleast I already saw it once.

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they are probably having bandwidth issues with their server..I'm sure its pretty hot at the moment..

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My beer league team can't even get our wives or significant others to come out and watch us play. I kinda doubt it's a viable TV series.

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I imagine a night of back-to-back Trailer Park Boys and this Beer League show would do wonders to promote Canadian culture! :lol:

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This show would be ideal for Spike TV

Well, it will probably go on CBC but them all the swearing will be edited and they will not be allowed to do crazy stuff.

If it was on it was on Spike TV they would be able to get away with more but still no swearing.

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