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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Changing Lies

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Is there a huge difference going from a lie 5.5 to a 6? The reason I ask is that I bought a nike Kovalchuk retail which is a lie 6 and I am currently using a TPS NAsh.


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I noticed a difference going from a Recchi (5) to a Sakic (5.5). Now I hold my bottom hand a little lower and find it's better.


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i'm not sure if it was the curve or the lie, but when i changed from lidstrom 5.5 to a shanny 6 i noticed a big differnce. it just didn't feel right, so i went back to a lidstrom

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Is there a huge difference going from a lie 5.5 to a 6? The reason I ask is that I bought a nike Kovalchuk retail which is a lie 6 and I am currently using a TPS NAsh.


I think it depends on how long you have been using the Nash. I had been using a Modano (5) for quite sometime, then I switched to a Sakic (5.5). I noticed an immediate difference. It dosen't take to long to adjust though, IMO.

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i think there is a difference between some of the companies and lies. the kovulchuk is identical to the drury - which easton calls a 5.5. it will be the same lie as your nash. compare them to each other, they are the same.

the only thing ive noticed that is consistent with lies is within the individual companies. there is a definitte difference between eastons 5/5.5/6. all the companies seem good that way - but bauer's 6 seems to me to be eastons 5.5. ccm's as well.

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Most sticks have enough rocker on the bottom that you can adjust reasonably well to small changes in lie. That rocker also means that no stick is a true 5, 5.5 or 6 and no measurement is exact.

I find when going to a stick with a higher lie I need to cut my sticks by about 1/2 inch.

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Most sticks have enough rocker on the bottom that you can adjust reasonably well to small changes in lie. That rocker also means that no stick is a true 5, 5.5 or 6 and no measurement is exact.

I find when going to a stick with a higher lie I need to cut my sticks by about 1/2 inch.

True, if I look at the rocker of my Kovy pro stock, I can't imagine identifying a lie to the blade, it's impossible because of the rocker. Nice call from you.

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I noticed Sakic to Pronger was hard for me, I think the pronger is 6 lie and sakic is 5.5. I couldn't shoot or stickhandle for about the 1st half of the game

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Ya i find the Lie the most important part of the curve and the hardest to adjust to. I think youll feel immediatly something wrong- better to get the right lie and a slightly different curve

obla di obla da ....

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I 've just used it for one practice and it was not too bad. I wonder if the Kovalchuk is more like a 5.75 cause it didn't feel too out of place. Thanks for the input fellas.

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I 've just used it for one practice and it was not too bad. I wonder if the Kovalchuk is more like a 5.75 cause it didn't feel too out of place. Thanks for the input fellas.

its an easton 5.5. its the same lie as a sakic or drury.

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Is there a huge difference going from a lie 5.5 to a 6? The reason I ask is that I bought a nike Kovalchuk retail which is a lie 6 and I am currently using a TPS NAsh.


I think it depends on how long you have been using the Nash. I had been using a Modano (5) for quite sometime, then I switched to a Sakic (5.5). I noticed an immediate difference. It dosen't take to long to adjust though, IMO.

I did the same thing as notorious and I also didnt notice a difference

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I can never get used a modano, regardless of the length I cut my stick. I feel like with that curve I need my hands 30 feet in front of me to be comfortable.

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