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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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inno curves

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does anyone have that old inno curve chart that used to be on hockey and skate outlet? i cant seem to find that anywhere. also, and this is gonna go in the buy forum as well i just thought more people might see it here too, does anyone have a kariya or schneider inno pro blade?

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thats the retail chart im lookin for one that hockey and skate outlet had one their website a while back with pics of the pro patterns that they were offering. thanks tho

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inno has also changed the the way their blades will look. they are going to the large checker board pattern that is on the true one for all blades for 05. out sometime in aug or sept, according to their customer service.

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NO! Thats horrible news, the True-1 blades were a huge step down from the regular inno blades. I split mine in less than a month right down the top of the blade...but i dont think those blades were pre-peg...so it may be a different blade than we've seen before

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sorry to hear that. you could have had a bad stick. were you able to get a new one under warranty?

lets rememeber that inno was the first to make composite blades and shafts. and they only deal with composite techonolgy. we need to have alittle faith here, as no one has used these products yet.

i have recently switched from easton. long story. i am very happy with inno, just wished i would have switched a long time ago.

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yes, i loved the true1 while it lasted, but i the kovalev was a huge change from what i used to use, so i didnt start using it until about 2 months after i bought it. i ended up loving it, until it broke. i still love inno products its just they arent as easy to come around, and are often overpriced.

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was last year the first year for the true1? if so they had someproblems with them. look at easton with all the problems the st/sl are having. alot of them are breaking in the flex point. i had a st as a warrenty replacement and the first shot i took the blade broke on the bottom.

the first year a product is out the manufacter has some problems, cars are the perfect example. they continue to improve the product until it gets replaced.

try looking at winwell, they are cosometic blems of inno. i'm using winwell blades now $10 cheaper than inno. they even have inno's pattern name and model #.

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try calling peranis. that is where i found mine. i'm going to the flint, mi store tommorrow, would you like me to see what they have. send your reply via pm please

also let me know what hand

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you could be right. i know that inno makes the "famous maker overruns" OPS that perani's sell with their name on them. i'll check when i go and post the results of your quarrie.

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Chadd, you a partly correct. winnwell is a THG brand in sticks and blades. they must have worked out some sort of deal wiht inno for them. again the winnwell composite products are inno cosmitic blems' which in no way affect proformance.


perani's in flint had the following patterns:

RH: 6,12 (roberts)and 9

LH: 4,6,8 (neuindyke similar to sakic), 11 and 12 (roberts)

i'm sorry i can be more spefic as to the blade patterns. if you call they can help you out to decide which one is right for you

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It's been a while since this thread was last posted in, but does anyone know what the lie is on the Inno Roberts pattern. I've searched and searched. Found lots of threads discussing this pattern, but none mentioned the lie. I'm trying to find an Inno pattern that is a small mid curve close with about a 5 lie. Basically a Modano/Forsberg, but more of a mid.

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