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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help.. 1 last time..lol

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Here is my current stick:


I need to know what curves in todays market are similar to this one..

eg: Forsberg? Drury?

Can someone give me 3 curves similar or nearly similar?? I am in need of a new stick.. thanks

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The Lidstrom IS an easton curve. I'd say your curve looks like a round toe Lidstrom. Mainly because it is a big curve. And really, the only difference between a Drury and Liddy is Lidstrom is a Deep curve, and has a square toe.

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The Lidstrom IS an easton curve. I'd say your curve looks like a round toe Lidstrom. Mainly because it is a big curve. And really, the only difference between a Drury and Liddy is Lidstrom is a Deep curve, and has a square toe.

I know lidstrom is a easton..

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That looks nothing like a lidstrom curve, very similar to the drury curve, go with the drury.

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It's obviously a Drury. I dont see any Lidstrom in it at all.

I don't know, Morrow. I know it's difficult to compare with a small picture, but I just pulled out one of our Pro 5 curves, which are based on the Lidstrom pattern. They're pretty similar, although the one in the picture might be a tiny bit more closed.

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Jason,your lidstrom pattern may differ from eastons. That curve picture looks nothing like the lidstrom pattern that ive used.

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No retail pattern is very close to that. It has a major kick at the heel that no retail pattern comes close to matching.

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Chadd your PM box is full.....

I know, every time I clean it out a little, I get another 10 PMs.

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