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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the skates and stick

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i need to get a new pair of skates and a new stick for the up comming hockey season. for skates i was looking twards getting the bauer 8090 because i know they will fit my foot well and i like the fact that they are durable and light, for sticks im not as sure, i was looking at the new adrenaline but im not sure?? any ides or suggestions?

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Welcome to Modsquad, but you'll quickly learn you question is one that's tough to answer. It's a lot like asking, "I'm thinking about buying some shoes, can someone tell what kind I should buy?" Obviously it depends on a lot of factors.

Read the threads, do some searches and you'll learn a lot.



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i need to get a new pair of skates and a new stick for the up comming hockey season. for skates i was looking twards getting the bauer 8090 because i know they will fit my foot well and i like the fact that they are durable and light, for sticks im not as sure, i was looking at the new adrenaline but im not sure?? any ides or suggestions?

As has been said, its all about personal preference. You mentioned the Bauer 8090 because it fits your foot. If the shoe or skate fits, wear it. Is there something about this skate that you don't like? Take some time and go to your lhs and try on some skates see what fits well and what does not. I went with a CCM Vector 6 when I bought my first pair of skates this year becaue that's what fit my foot. I also talked with the owner of the shop and told him that I was looking for my first pair of skates and wanted to be able to play hockey in them, we then discussed what I wanted to pay and then went from there. I originally was going to get a Tacks model, but they didn't have any in my size and he couldn't order them until the next year model came out later in the year so we settled on the Vector 6. One feature of the Vectors and the new RBK's that I like is the lace lock that helps keep the laces tight. The lace lock keeps the laces from the 4th eyelet on to the toe at what ever tension you set it and then be able to set the last 3 eyelets at a different tension if you so desire.

As far as stick preference, was there something about your previous stick that you liked or didn't like that would keep you from getting one just like it?

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Well in that case I would sugggest sticking with TPS. Personally I have used TPS since I have started playing hockey and have never changed. I've used the R2 xn10 and loved it when that finally broke, I picked up an Adrenaline, its a great stick if your willing to part with some $$$. But its all about PP, so its all up to you.

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i love my vapour 30 ,it took a little while to get used to but once i was used to it it could do everything i wanted it to ,accuracy is amazing on it ,especially passing. this site has its own review section so maybe check that out and youll get an idea on what stick youll like.

welcome to modsquad bud :)

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sorry to play the role of captain obvious here but if you like the xn10 then stick with it, its hard to find a stick that really works for you, and if the xn10 is that stick then i suggest you purchase another one. If your looking for something new, or maybe if the xn10 had durability issues as I understand some of them do, try an adrenaline, or even a response plus if you have a curve and flex you like from tps

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The best idea is to buy the skate that fits. Thats obvious and very good advise. If you happen to try the S series or L series from Mission and they fit well, gopher them. Cheap or costly they all come with a stick. Mission sticks maybe a turnoff to you though, I love thier durability and performance. The thing is to do what you want and get what feels best for you.

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if you want a stick more durable than the xn10, try the adrenaline. theres been alot of good feedback on its durability and feel, theres a kevlar wrap and you dont sacrifice too much weight

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